#TalkingHeads is appearing together at #TIFF, to support the re-release of #StopMakingSense, the greatest concert film in human history:
People often ask me what my favorite book is, and I always tell them that you should never trust people who have one favorite book, as it inevitably turns out to be #TheBible, #TheFountainhead, or #MeinKampf. But while I don't have a favorite book, I have a clear and unambiguous favorite *band*.
#talkingheads #tiff #stopmakingsense #thebible #thefountainhead #meinkampf
@ua Dear #russians, don’t ever say #wirhabenesnichtgewusst
Germany had #meinkampf, Russians don’t have to read, they just have to open their eyes.
#russiafasciststate #putin #meinkampf #wirhabenesnichtgewusst #russians
Mein Kampf, The Musical
Thanks to the wokes, we shall never get to enjoy this.
#AndrewLloydWebber #PoliticalCorrectness #Wokeness #MeinKampf
#andrewlloydwebber #politicalcorrectness #wokeness #meinkampf
According to the bible they are 100% correct that #pacifism is heresy.
But that is not the christian bible but the nazi bible; Mein Kampf.
I would suggest everybody to read this book so you really really really understand what #NationalSocialism is.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Russia is not a #nazi state yet but #Putin has read #meinkampf too, but not to remember but to use !!!!
#meinkampf #putin #nazi #NationalSocialism #pacifism
Crow met Thomas AFTER he became a justice. Crow sits on the board of a right-wing think tank which took credit for several amicus briefs *filed w/ the Supreme Court*, but he doesn't want to influence the justice...(!) Crow also collects Hitler memorabilia including paintings and a signed Mein Kampf.
#hitler #worship #conservative #killers #autographed #meinkampf #supreme #court #impeach #thomas #disgrace #remove #law #broken #reporting #gifts #donors #travel #trips https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/08/clarence-thomas-supreme-court-harlan-crow-hitler-memorabilia
#hitler #worship #Conservative #killers #autographed #meinkampf #supreme #court #impeach #thomas #disgrace #remove #law #broken #reporting #Gifts #donors #travel #trips
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Billionaire Bankrolling Clarence Thomas Collects Nazi Artifacts, Has 'Garden Full of Dictator Statues' https://jezebel.com/billionaire-bankrolling-clarence-thomas-collects-nazi-a-1850316004 #Jezebel #americanenterpriseinstitute #hitler3aastudyintyranny #artofthethirdreich #nazimemorabilia #clarencethomas #nazipropaganda #creativeworks #marcorubio #harlancrow #meinkampf #kathycrow #culture #harlan #hitler #ginni #books
#jezebel #americanenterpriseinstitute #hitler3aastudyintyranny #artofthethirdreich #nazimemorabilia #clarencethomas #nazipropaganda #creativeworks #marcorubio #harlancrow #meinkampf #kathycrow #Culture #harlan #hitler #ginni #books
#NowListening #NineInchNails #TheBackgroundWorld
WinstonChurchill wasn't all that bad. Reading #MeinKampf from cover to cover is like being forced to chew the same piece of gum for a week straight... vigorously.
schmerzlich zusammenhangloses Geschwafel des Führers.
#nowlistening #nineinchnails #thebackgroundworld #meinkampf
@Hammalammadingdong I have never read #meinkampf and i like to keep it that way.
Like all “great” malignant narcissists, Trump’s got a very personal tale of toil to tell: Schweinekampf.
#Trump #Schweinekampf #Hitler #MeinKampf #autocracy #fascism #authoritarianism #racism #bigotry #WeveSeenItAllBefore
#weveseenitallbefore #bigotry #Racism #authoritarianism #Fascism #autocracy #meinkampf #hitler #schweinekampf #Trump
Alt-right glossary
The alt-right uses a #lexicon filled with memes, stolen left-wing terminology with altered meanings, and in-jokes. Whether this is because the alt-right consists of a bunch of cringey manchildren or because they hope to hide their racist intentions, the world may never know.
The linguistic poverty of Nazi Germany was noted in Victor Klemperer's 1947 book, The Language of the Third Reich. The importance of linguistic poverty in #propaganda and fascism was emphasized in Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.
There are terms in this #glossary that are used extensively outside of the alt-right. Some of these terms are used in various online communities and even precede the creation of the Internet. The hijacking of these harmless terms is one of their main strategies, as they aim to mask their blatant neo-Nazism…
#RationalWiki #altright #fascism #VictorKlemperer #nazis #neonazis #meinkampf #hitler
#lexicon #propaganda #glossary #rationalwiki #altright #fascism #victorklemperer #nazis #neonazis #meinkampf #hitler
> Do you reject all printed books because #MeinKampf was a printed book?
Not at all, not even rejecting it. That "book" should be an obligation to read for every right winger (idiot) on this planet.
It's as crap as it can get. Literally unreadable, I tried and had to refuse.
There is no worse punishment than having to read it.
(true story 🙂 )
Aight, I cannot stop buying #Orwell 's works, but hear me out.
This one stood out to me because it had his review of #MeinKampf - he has a distinct indulgence in propaganda, saying that he has "never been able to dislike Hitler" because of how he was portrayed. It creates a stark contrast against his dedication to truth; it is also impossible to appreciate propaganda without the element of truth. It is wordcrafting to the level of reshaping reality, and it is undoubtedly intoxicating.
Aight, I cannot stop buying #Orwell 's works, but hear me out.
This one stood out to me because it had his review of #MeinKampf - he has a distinct indulgence in propaganda, saying that he has "never been able to dislike Hitler" because of how he was portrayed. It creates a stark contrast against his dedication to truth; it is also impossible to appreciate propaganda without the element of truth. It is wordcrafting to the level of reshaping reality, and it is undoubtedly intoxicating.
Pour la #Fnac, vendre #MeinKampf, ça passe crème, mais vendre un jeu qui apprend à lutter contre l'extrême -droite, ca pose problème ?
#Honte à la #Fnac, qui a été créé par un ancien résistant ! 🤮
Polémique autour du jeu « Antifa » : la Fnac retire sa commercialisation sous pression de l’extrême droite
Das Überleben Europas wird davon abhängen ob sich die Verantwortlichen weiterhin zur Liga der rassistisch selbslegitimierten Plünderer aka #LiberaleDemokratien bekennen oder ob sie #RoW auf Augenhöhe aka respektvoll begegnen können.
Das hier wäre dann endlich erbarmungswürdiges und abschreckendes Altpapier in der Gesellschaft von #meinKampf und anderem Dreck:
#meinkampf #row #LiberaleDemokratien
Mein Kampf the book that gives continuous sustainable enlightenment
The fundamental National Socialist attitude towards life and existence...
#struggle #nationalsocialism #meinkampf #adolfhitler
The fact that I did read #MeinKampf is utterly irrelevant here. Anyone can read my post about it.
I think dropping in that bare fact like that in our conversation is rather dishonest.
I did read #TheCommunistManifesto, too. Guess what? I completely disagree with both authors!
Ditto about my previous disagreements with @Pat regarding other topics.
#meinkampf #thecommunistmanifesto