Capitol Records drops ‘offensive’ AI rapper FN Meka after outcry over racial stereotyping | Music | The Guardian #capitol #records #drops #offensive #rapper #meka #after #outcry #over #racial #stereotyping #music #guardian #24agosto
#24agosto #guardian #music #stereotyping #racial #over #outcry #after #meka #rapper #Offensive #drops #records #capitol
Capitol Records drops AI rapper FN Meka amid social media outrage » Thewtcho #capitol #records #drops #rapper #meka #amid #social #media #outrage #thewtcho #24agosto
#24agosto #TheWtcho #outrage #media #social #amid #meka #rapper #drops #records #capitol
It's that time of the year again. Moon worshipping. 😂 The moon cakes look especially delicious! 😊❤️
#midautumnfestival #moon #mooncakes #sweets #celebration #fullmoon #meka #djilba #中秋節 #月 #月餅 #滿月
#滿月 #月餅 #月 #中秋節 #djilba #meka #fullmoon #celebration #sweets #mooncakes #moon #midautumnfestival
It's that time of the year again. Moon worshipping. 😂 The moon cakes look especially delicious! 😊❤️
#midautumnfestival #moon #mooncakes #sweets #celebration #fullmoon #meka #djilba #中秋節 #月 #月餅 #滿月
#midautumnfestival #moon #mooncakes #sweets #celebration #fullmoon #meka #djilba #中秋節 #月 #月餅 #滿月
Yeyi kedalak meka mirda-djardak wer koomba-djil.
Tonight, the moon is pink(ish) and very big.
#moon #meka #pinkmoon #supermoon #nightsky #pink #noongarlanguage #月亮 #粉紅色 #夜空
#夜空 #粉紅色 #月亮 #noongarlanguage #pink #nightsky #supermoon #pinkmoon #meka #moon
Day 65 of 100 Day Challenge
Nyoongar word of the day
MEKA: Moon
Meka-mandjarli: Moon-bread/Moon-cake.
Today's Midautumn Festival, or Mid-Djilba as it's the season of Djilba down here on Nyoongar Boodja. Observed on the full MEKA/15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar year.
#meka #moon #midautumnfestival #tettrungthu #chuseok #tsukimi #mooncake #nyoongar #noongar #noongarboodjar #language #wordoftheday #languagelearning #yearofindigenouslanguages #中秋節 #月餅 #語言 #學語言 #國際原住民語言年 #原住民語言
#原住民語言 #國際原住民語言年 #學語言 #語言 #月餅 #中秋節 #yearofindigenouslanguages #languagelearning #wordoftheday #language #noongarboodjar #noongar #nyoongar #mooncake #tsukimi #chuseok #tettrungthu #midautumnfestival #moon #meka