Wie nachhaltig wirtschaften auf #Moor? Gemeinsam thematisieren @bauern_mv & @greifswaldmoor Probleme u Perspektiven beim gemeinsamen Fachforum auf der🚜#MeLa in Mühlengeez - für Kurzvorträge und Diskussion einfach vorbeikommen!
Do 14.9. 13:30-14:30 Uhr, Halle 2 #Paludikultur
#BBCNews - #Kumbh #Mela : Worry at #antibiotics overuse at #India 's #KumbhMela
#bbcnews #kumbh #mela #antibiotics #India #kumbhmela
Fun fact: il #frutto dell'#Eden non è detto fosse una #mela, dato che la #Genesi non è #AssassinsCreed
#frutto #eden #mela #genesi #assassinscreed
Isák i avslutningskonsert på #Mela. Et fantastisk band. Spent på å se hva medlemmene gjør videre.
Bandet avslutta med ei låt tilegna reindriftssamene på #Fosen. Ella Marie minte publikum på at det nærmer seg 700 dager sia fosendommen som AP/SP-regjeringa ikke har fulgt opp, og ba folk bruke sin stemmerett fornuftig - men først og fremst bruke den.
#mela #fosen #valg2023 #valg23 #politikk #Norsktut #allheimen #norskpol
[ポケモン][エロ画像]メロコのマンすじでメチャシコしたよ~♪ #ポケモン #Mela #Pokemon #エロ画像 #ポケットモンスター #めろこ #メロコ
#メロコ #めろこ #ポケットモンスター #エロ画像 #pokemon #mela #ポケモン
Happy Vore Day!
Happy 8/8 Vore day! I made a picture wholly inspired by @LoverLamia on twitter and their picture (if you know you know ;) ) Angel meeting her idol Mela, and some willing Vore takes place! There can only be one redhead with hair floof around here~! :D #vore #willing_prey #mela #heartless_angel #loli #vore_day #8/8
#vore #willing_prey #mela #heartless_angel #loli #vore_day
#limone \\ #zuccheroDIcanna \\ #curcuma \\ #chiodoDIgarofano \\ #cannella \\ #mela
#limone #zuccherodicanna #curcuma #chiododigarofano #cannella #mela
#Birmingham (UK) #Mela organisers, working alongside Birmingham #Pride will host its first #LGBT+ village - this is good to see happening as the #BritishAsian community suffers from issues with homophobia and toxic masculinity (and not just amongst older conservative/religious folk)
#birmingham #mela #pride #lgbt #britishasian
5 days left to apply to the George Atiyeh #Prize which offers #FinancialAid to attend both #MELA and #MESA (#MiddleEast Studies Association) annual meetings.
This year, both meetings will take place in Montreal, QC, between
October 30th and November 5th (MELA Oct. 30-Nov.1 and MESA Nov. 2-5).
Guidelines and contacts can be found on MELA website:
The deadline is on 15th July 2023.
#prize #financialaid #mela #mesa #MiddleEast
【 歌枠 / KARAOKE 】懐かしい曲多め?ゆるっと歌います❁初見さんもROM専さんも大歓迎♬ 【 Vsinger 織夢りちぇ 】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1787069/gravure-idols/
#40mP #aiko #anime #animesong #FictionJunctionYUUKA #goodbyedays #HeavenlyDays #livestream #mela! #Music #MyLittleLover #SingingStream #vsinger #VTuber #YUI #アニソン #アニメ #からくりピエロ #ボカロ #やくしまるえつこ #作業用BGM #坂本真綾 #女性Vtuber #女性声優 #女性配信者 #懐メロ #新人VSinger #新人VTuber #新垣結衣 #柴咲コウ #歌い手 #歌ってみた #歌枠 #緑黄色社会 #輪るピングドラム #音楽 #風待ちジェット
#40mp #aiko #anime #animesong #fictionjunctionyuuka #goodbyedays #heavenlydays #livestream #mela #music #mylittlelover #singingstream #vsinger #vtuber #yui #アニソン #アニメ #からくりピエロ #ボカロ #やくしまるえつこ #作業用bgm #坂本真綾 #女性Vtuber #女性声優 #女性配信者 #懐メロ #新人vsinger #新人vtuber #新垣結衣 #柴咲コウ #歌い手 #歌ってみた #歌枠 #緑黄色社会 #輪るピングドラム #音楽 #風待ちジェット
#apple #pie #mela #torta #Apfel #Kuchen #Apfel #manzana #pie #apple #pirukas #Japan #アップル #パイ #りんご https://www.alojapan.com/803388/apple-pie-mela-torta-apfel-kuchen-apfel-manzana-pie-apple-pirukas-japan-%e3%82%a2%e3%83%83%e3%83%97%e3%83%ab-%e3%83%91%e3%82%a4-%e3%82%8a%e3%82%93%e3%81%94/
#Nagoya #Nagoyadestinations #Nagoyatour #Nagoyatravel #Nagoyatrip #Nagoyavacation #名古屋
#apple #pie #mela #torta #apfel #kuchen #manzana #pirukas #japan #アップル #パイ #りんご #nagoya #nagoyadestinations #nagoyatour #nagoyatravel #nagoyatrip #nagoyavacation #名古屋
緑黄色社会を徐々に侵食する男 [城島茂] あややとぅーやー https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1712747/johnnys/
##アヤヤトゥーヤー ##あらし #AMBITIOUSJAPAN #HeySayJUMP #Johnny’s #mela! #TOKIO #あやや #あややとぅーやー #キスマイ #ジャニーズ #ジャニーズアイドルは #すべて #だいなし #トキオ #フーフー #フゥフゥ #メーラ #メラ #リーダー #全て #全てを台無しに #台無し #国分 #城島 #城島茂 #緑黄色社会
#アヤヤトゥーヤー #あらし #ambitiousjapan #heysayjump #johnny #mela #tokio #あやや #あややとぅーやー #キスマイ #ジャニーズ #ジャニーズアイドルは #すべて #だいなし #トキオ #フーフー #フゥフゥ #メーラ #メラ #リーダー #全て #全てを台無しに #台無し #国分 #城島 #城島茂 #緑黄色社会
I once read about the #MothersOfEastLosAngeles (MELA). I always wanted to go back to the text. It had a great historical overview and I believe, interviews, but I couldn't recall what book. I should have included #MELA in my master's thesis. A thesis grounded in theology that was a criticism of God's lack of intervention from the perspective of #FeministTheology doesn't seem compatible, but it fit with my argument.
#Environment #EnvironmentalRacism #theology @religion
#mothersofeastlosangeles #mela #feministtheology #environment #environmentalracism #theology
I once read about the #MothersOfEastLosAngeles (MELA). I always wanted to go back to the text. It had a great historical overview, and, I believe, interviews, but I couldn't recall what book. I should have included #MELA in my master's thesis. I know a thesis grounded in theology that was a criticism of God's lack of intervention from the perspective of #FeminstTheology doesn't seem compatible, but it would have fit with my argument.
#Environment #EnvironmentalRacism
#mothersofeastlosangeles #mela #feminsttheology #environment #environmentalracism
Continua la campagna revisionista delle favole ad opera della #disney.
#adoroilgenio #14marzo #fiabe #favole #biancaneve #mela #strega #fantasy #revisionismo #principessedisney #DisneyPlus
#disney #adoroilgenio #14marzo #fiabe #favole #Biancaneve #mela #strega #fantasy #revisionismo #principessedisney #disneyplus
Continua la campagna revisionista delle favole ad opera della #disney.
#adoroilgenio #14marzo #fiabe #favole #biancaneve #mela #strega #fantasy #revisionismo #principessedisney #disneyplus
#disney #adoroilgenio #14marzo #fiabe #favole #Biancaneve #mela #strega #fantasy #revisionismo #principessedisney #disneyplus
"Nell’immaginario collettivo l’Alto Adige è un paradiso incontaminato in cui basta allungare una mano per cogliere una #mela e addentarla senza pensieri. Non sembra proprio essere così. A distruggere l’idilliaca rappresentazione è stato l’Istituto indipendente per l’ambiente di Monaco, che ha diffuso i dati sui pesticidi utilizzati in Val Venosta. Secondo l’analisi, nel 2017, sui #meleti della valle sono state irrorate fino a 9 sostanze chimiche diverse al giorno"
➡️ https://ilfattoalimentare.it/le-mele-un-paradiso-chimica.html
玉城ティナと目が合う瞬間/黒髪用ヘアカラー「パルティ」CM15+30 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1642683/model/
#mela! #moviecollection #ダリヤ #はかなげブラウン #パルティ #パルティカラーリングミルク #ムビコレ #夢みるブルージュ #無敵ピンク #玉城ティナ #緑黄色社会 #魅惑のアッシュ #黒髪用ヘアカラー
#パルティ #夢みるブルージュ #無敵ピンク #緑黄色社会 #魅惑のアッシュ #黒髪用ヘアカラー #パルティカラーリングミルク #moviecollection #ダリヤ #はかなげブラウン #mela #ムビコレ #玉城ティナ
Can't stay at home...
WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/IpC4Hnd75ms
#letsplay #jrpg #openworld #mela #starfallstreet #pokemonscarletviolet #pokemon #nintendoswitch #smallstreamer #smallyoutuber #smallcontentcreator