Having read (and mostly enjoyed) books by Max Tegmark, Stuart Russell, Ray Kurzweil, Brian Christian, Ajay Agrawal and Nick Bostrom in recent months, its been Melanie Mitchell (AI: a guide for thinking humans), D'Iganzio & Klein (Data Feminism) and Erica Thompson (Escape from Model Land) that I think have provided some of the most balanced and insightful perspectives on AI and data science.
#maxtegmark #stuartrussell #raykurzweil #brianchristian #ajayagrawal #nickbostrom #melaniemitchell #d #klein #ericathompson
Full disclosure: I was a huge supporter of all of them until I learned here that I was misguided by my privilege and my tech heroes. I now can't stand to listen to 80k podcast for more than a few minutes. I think that *ALL* of the #TESCREAL philosophies are unintentionally causing great harm to society and humanity. Reading about #TimnitGebru and #MelanieMitchell really drove it home for me.
#arogantaltruism #unintentionalevil #melaniemitchell #TimnitGebru #tescreal