I guess this is can be an inbetween of option 1) and 2). There are a bunch of initiatives that try to define either subsets or supersets of #LinkedData that are easier to deal with for developers.
Like #AtomicData, see: https://docs.atomicdata.dev
Or #meld, see: https://m-ld.org/doc/#structured-data
All long way to go, I guess.
All of these I think have a disadvantage that ref impls and tooling isn't up to par. But after after many years that is also still true for full-blown LD tooling.
Unadjusted Creatinine Hinders Females to Get New Liver
- Standard mathematical conversion of #creatinine disadvantages females in liver transplantation prioritization
- We investigated options to reduce this gender inequality
- We identified 72 of 650 (11%) females with an original #MELD score < 20, for whom the adjusted female-as-male MELD score would be >20, thus giving them a better chance to receive a #Liver #Transplant
#creatinine #meld #liver #transplant #ltx #sexbias #genderbias #cdss #Ampel
Dans #MesOutils il y a : #Meld
-> Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers.
Dans #MesOutils il y a : #Meld
-> Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers.
Numbers game on a Federation ship! Never thought I'd see the day! Next is organized crime. And Harry gets his shoulder broken for non-payment.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #Meld @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #meld
This mind meld was so unnecessary.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #Meld @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #meld
Mind meld = It’s that Vulcan thing where you grab someone’s head.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #Meld @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #meld
Tuvok is so disturbed there’s no motive in this murder. 😂
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #Meld @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #meld
It’s kind of interesting that Suder, a betazoid and therefore a empath, ended up a psychopath incapable of empathy.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #Meld @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #meld
Bet made...series of events...cut to Harry with broken shoulder.
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #Meld @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #meld
Creepy Suder is the best!
#AllStarTrek #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #Meld @allstartrek
#allstartrek #startrekvoy #startrekvoyager #meld
Two excellent episodes tonight making great use of the holodeck/holosuite.
#ShipInABottle #ItsOnlyAPaperMoon
And a third episode that has a “holy shit!” holodeck scene.
#shipinabottle #itsonlyapapermoon #meld #allstartrek #StarTrekTNG #startrekds9 #startrekvoy
A friend was recently diagnosed with #LiverDisease. Trying to do some research around #LivingDonor organ transplants & whether someone with cirrhosis damage can qualify.
The hospital she’s currently working with doesn’t do living donor transplants, wondering if seeking a #SecondOpinion is worthwhile, or if she won’t be able to qualify for a living donor anywhere.
#liver #MELD #health #Medical
#medical #health #meld #liver #secondopinion #livingdonor #liverdisease
@e33io I tried #meld, but for me it didn't work as well as #kdiff3. With kdiff3 I find it easier to apply both local and remote changes (allowing to fix anomalies at once). Kdiff3 also shows clearer which conflicts it could resolve automatically, and for which conflicts it needs my help.
A major challenge in AI medicine is publicly available datasets #Opendata
We therefore publish our #ML data (as well as our code #Opensource), enabling a wide range of future research.
Included in the publication of #AMELD (see previous post), we released another #Dataset + an associated #Rstats package with a variety of integrated functions:
(R: remotes::install_github("ampel-leipzig/sbcdata")
#Openscience #Opensource #MELD #LTx #Livertransplantation #AMPEL #CDSS
#opendata #ML #opensource #ameld #dataset #rstats #openscience #meld #ltx #livertransplantation #Ampel #cdss
#ML outperforms classic scores. One of these is the end-stage liver disease prediction model for 90-day mortality (#MELD)
- We derived an ML model AMELD which outperforms MELD, MELD-Na, MELD 3.0, and MELD-Plus7
- How? AMELD extends the classic MELD predictors INR, bilirubin, and cystatin C / creatinine to include total protein, cholinesterase and #IL-6
Using more accurate AMELD prediction may improve #CDS for performing liver transplants
#ML #meld #il #cds #Ampel #cdss #ltx #liver
I painfully miss a #CLI #git #merge #tool for the #terminal.
There are good #TUI like #lazygit or #gitui but nothing for #solving merge #conflicts
I'm not comfortable at all with the #vim approach.
I hope #helix #editor solves this one day.
#cli #git #merge #tool #terminal #tui #lazygit #gitui #solving #conflicts #vim #helix #editor #gui #meld
Messerschmidt og MELD sagen
Her til middag har både Jeanie Nørhave og Christian Thulesen Dahl afvist Mortens forklaringer om at der skulle være en EU-dag på det nu berømte sommermøde.
Det begynder at ligne endnu en retssag som Messerschmidt taber.
#DKpol #dkmastodon #DanskFolkeparti #retssag #meld #danskertrut
#dkpol #dkmastodon #danskfolkeparti #retssag #meld #danskertrut