Good morning everyone. It's #PowerFriday again.
This week's theme is #WomenInPower so we're sharing powermetal songs by bands with female lead singers, and we have quite a selection.
I'm kicking off with #adinfinitum fronted by the amazing #MelissaBonny and their song: Marching on Versailles
#melissabonny #adinfinitum #womeninpower #powerfriday
#TuneTuesday Is going to be tricky for me, since
#ShakeTheDanceFloor Is music styles I don't generally like. But luckily the Germans and Swedes come to the rescue.
From Germany we get #tanzmetal like #eisbrecher
And #Sweden gives us #TranceMetal like #RageOfLight - worth it just to hear #MelissaBonny singing candyman
#melissabonny #RageOfLight #trancemetal #sweden #eisbrecher #tanzmetal #shakethedancefloor #tunetuesday
#30daysongchallenge day 15: a song you like that is a cover by another artist
I think I'm opting here for one of the best ensemble metal recordings in years.
I'm going for #Feuerschwanz's fantastic cover of #manowar's "Warrior's of the world" featuring #MelissaBonny, #SaltatioMortis and #gloryhammer's #AngusMcfife
#angusmcfife #gloryhammer #SaltatioMortis #melissabonny #manowar #feuerschwanz #30daysongchallenge
Napalm Records released a MV for KAMELOT - New Babylon feat. Melissa Bonny today 😍
#melissabonny #kamelot #powermetal #metal #music
It's #MetalFriday again and this week I wanted to feature the greatest #Swede since William Tell.
#MelissaBonny making her second appearance on my timeline, this time with her own band #adinfinitum in what has been described as "the most 2020 song of 2020".
Watch "AD INFINITUM - Marching on Versailles (Official Video) | Napalm Records" on YouTube
#adinfinitum #melissabonny #Swede #MetalFriday
Melissa Bonny (Ad Infinitum)
Photo: alexandra_pajak
#heavymetal #femalesinger #melissabonny #AdInfinitum
Melissa Bonny (Ad Infinitum)
Photo: alexandra_pajak
#heavymetal #femalesinger #melissabonny #AdInfinitum