The national tour of #Broadway hit #FunnyGirl has announced its cast. Rising star #KaterinaMcCrimmon will take on the role of Fanny Brice with singer/songwriter #MelissaManchester as her mother, and #StephenMarkLukas as Nick Arnstein. Izaiah Montaque Harris, Walter Coppage, Leah Platt, Christine Bunuan, Eileen T’Kaye, and David Foley Jr. round out the principal cast.
#broadway #funnygirl #katerinamccrimmon #melissamanchester #stephenmarklukas
“Someone like you
will always take
the long way home”
#MelissaManchester — COME IN FROM THE RAIN
41 years ago today, this episode of Solid Gold aired. And I'm nearly positive I watched it then: the #MelissaManchester segment (8 minutes in) seems vaguely familiar.
And what a mix: rock, pop, soul, and country—with bonus Wayland Flowers and Madame (!!!).
I had forgotten how many explosions and laser beam sounds were in the opening credits!
#music #tv #OliviaNewtonJohn #DrHook #MarilynMcCoo #AndyGibb #EddieRabbitt #SisterSledge #AirSupply
#AirSupply #SisterSledge #eddierabbitt #andygibb #marilynmccoo #DrHook #OliviaNewtonJohn #TV #Music #melissamanchester
Highlights from of my musical listening for the week ending 2023/04/13.
#happyCurrentListening #LastFM
#FleshgodApocalypse #AnaPopovic #Behemoth #TamaraStewart #Foreigner #HayleyWestenra #BelindaCarlisle #LindaRonstadt #MylèneFarmer #LoungeMasters #MelissaManchester
#happycurrentlistening #lastfm #fleshgodapocalypse #anapopovic #behemoth #tamarastewart #foreigner #hayleywestenra #belindacarlisle #LindaRonstadt #mylenefarmer #loungemasters #melissamanchester
Highlights from of my musical listening for the month of March 2023.
#happyCurrentListening #LastFM
#BonnieTyler #EllesBailey #MelissaManchester Carcass #ThePointerSisters #InaRayHutton #Blutengel #BrixSmith #Dreadzone #CaptainAndTennille #Buddy #AllyVenable #LoungeMasters #GerryRafferty #ClaudiaBrücken
#happycurrentlistening #lastfm #bonnietyler #ellesbailey #melissamanchester #thepointersisters #inarayhutton #blutengel #brixsmith #dreadzone #captainandtennille #buddy #allyvenable #loungemasters #gerryrafferty #claudiabrucken
Highlights from of my musical listening for the week ending 2023/03/23.
#happyCurrentListening #LastFM
#MelissaManchester #ThePointerSisters #AllyVenable #CarlySimon #DenieceWilliams #BuddyGuy #ClaudiaBrücken #CaroleBayerSager
#happycurrentlistening #lastfm #melissamanchester #thepointersisters #allyvenable #carlysimon #deniecewilliams #buddyguy #claudiabrucken #carolebayersager