Sick and Tired of all the Violence #AliciaWitt, #AnabelleAcosta, #JeananneGoossen, #JillJaneClements, #LaurenCohan, #LennieJames, #MelissaMcBride, #PriyankaChopra, #Quantico, #TheWalkingDead
#aliciawitt #anabelleacosta #jeanannegoossen #jilljaneclements #laurencohan #lenniejames #melissamcbride #priyankachopra #quantico #thewalkingdead
May 23 - Freebie / Any movie
The Mist (2007) #BookAdaptation #StephenKing #ThomasJane #FrankDarabont #MelissaMcBride #LaurieHolden #HorrorMovies
#HorrorMovies #laurieholden #melissamcbride #FrankDarabont #ThomasJane #stephenking #bookadaptation #bales2023filmchallenge
Okay, hear me out. A Big Valley remake starring Melissa McBride as Victoria Barkley.
#MelissaMcBride #TheWalkingDead #TheBigValley #BarbaraStanwyck
#barbarastanwyck #thebigvalley #TheWalkingDead #melissamcbride
Just a bit of an introduction.
I love #CarolPeletier (from #thewalkingdead ) and #MelissaMcBride . I also love #ofmd and #goodomens
I ship canon ships but am not much of a shipper otherwise.
#carolpeletier #thewalkingdead #melissamcbride #ofmd #goodomens