Musical Interlude.....
#MusicalInterlude #TheSmashingPumpkins #ThirtyThree #YelenaYemchuk #MellonCollieAndTheInfiniteSadness #SmashingPumpkins #AltRock #Rock #Music #YouTube #TakeMeBackToThe90s
#musicalinterlude #thesmashingpumpkins #thirtythree #yelenayemchuk #melloncollieandtheinfinitesadness #smashingpumpkins #altrock #rock #music #youtube #takemebacktothe90s
#GreatAlbums1990s - #SmashingPumpkins – #MellonCollieAndTheInfiniteSadness (1995). Corgan’s attempt to remake The Wall with ‘90s sensibilities worked pretty well, right down to the moments of flabby boredom that inflict the set between bangers like “Zero” and “Bullet with Butterfly Wings.” To be so ambitiously epic in an era of ironic detachment took a certain bravery, and few alt-rockers of the era had the guts to include unabashed pop like “1979.”
#Albums, #Music, #1990s, #Reviews, #Rock
#rock #reviews #1990s #Music #albums #melloncollieandtheinfinitesadness #smashingpumpkins #greatalbums1990s
#MellonCollieAndTheInfiniteSadness. Tältä se näyttää elävässä elämässä. Kuvassa #Vertti viime vuoden elokuussa äitini lomaillessa lomalla ja minun ollessani koiravahtina. #koirat #DogsOfMastodon
#dogsofmastodon #koirat #vertti #melloncollieandtheinfinitesadness