Better late than never 😉

Though a couple days later than I planned, I bottled my today! (So that's a uh... fruited for my fellow 🤓)

It drinks like a with

OG 1.080
FG 1.002

10.24% ABV 🥂

It's going to be phenomenal with some this spring and 😋

#blackberry #apple #malt #honey #mead #braggot #cyser #melomel #fusion #homebrew #geeks #rose #attitude #naughty #cheeses #summer #Season #cheese #stepawayfromthewritingdesk #craft #create #geek #keg #bottle

Last updated 2 years ago

amritarosa · @amritarosa
20 followers · 165 posts · Server

Contemplating what makes yeast happy (specifically Lalvin's Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. cerevisiae.) It is as true for any larger livestock kept as for the very small, for any who will meet their demise at the keeper's hand- treat them well, find out what makes for a comfortable, productive life and give them that. When they go, what they have given you will taste better than if less care had been taken.

#melomel #mead

Last updated 2 years ago

amritarosa · @amritarosa
18 followers · 143 posts · Server

The new 1.4 gallon fermenters with 2 more batches of dark cherry melomel (mead). This recipe and method differs from the previous 2 gallons of dark cherry goodness I posted about earlier. I'm interested in the difference in yeast progress and taste. The bluish-white looking things inside are mesh bags filled with cherries. Also threw in a pic of one of the earlier batches to show just how dark it's getting.

#melomel #mead

Last updated 2 years ago

amritarosa · @amritarosa
18 followers · 130 posts · Server

Visited 3 stores and hunted down the last ingredients needed, got all the bits ready then realized I had neglected to thaw the 6lbs of cherries. This'll take a minute. Maybe I'll reschedule this adventure to tomorrow.

#melomel #mead

Last updated 2 years ago

amritarosa · @amritarosa
18 followers · 131 posts · Server

After two days of quiet, the dark cherry melomel began a second ferment. The CO2 bubbles coming up though the mead have pushed large islands of pinkish, spongy fruit to the surface, giving it a questionable look. But all is well. The yeast are just attacking the fruit sugars and will stop when ABV is up over 12% again. It's a real bloopfest in there. I'll give it a week & take some more readings then. Images with and without light shining through fermenter:

#melomel #mead

Last updated 2 years ago

Vonstauf🏴‍☠️ · @vonstauf
18 followers · 123 posts · Server

MEAD...Or technically melomel since we added the peach juice. 5 Gallons that have been cellaring for 4 months.

Our first batch was actually sparkling mead, I hope we find ourselves so lucky this time around.


#cellaring #melomel #mead #brewing

Last updated 2 years ago