Following on, a few of us have joined forces to also publish a new Treesitter-based #Emacs mode for #OCaml, available in #MELPA:
Happy to announce there's now a shiny new Treesitter-based #Nix major mode for #Emacs in #MELPA: ❄️
I've released v0.7 of #dired-rsync for #emacs. I assume most people have been tracking #melpa but for those stable fans:
My third #emacs package is on #MELPA! Use heroku.el to as easily manage your #heroku instances, as you manage git with #magit. Transient is the most efficient interface possible! You can tail logs, run commands like bash and python, restart and promote dynos, connect to Heroku Postgres with #psql using built-in Emacs sql functionalityand more!
#emacs #melpa #heroku #magit #psql
Be me: merrily editing my file
*Sees lsp hint*
Me: oh cool it's gonna clean up my file
*Resumes editing my file with other features*
Me: oh ***** where is all that work I did earlier
No commits, no recovery. Feelsbad.jpg
So I installed and backup-every-save and will be committing way more frequently.
Quite funny situation, we shipped a working snapshot in Gentoo before this issue happened but the package on #MELPA-stable is broken.
Is anyone else using the #melpa #emacs channel on #guix?
My guix skills aren’t sufficient to tell if things are stuck on 20 Feb 2023 or if it will continue to track melpa updates. I’m not sure of the way to understand it.
Playing a bit more with #Emacs on the Gemini: installing packages, including from #MELPA, getting rid of menu and tool bars, and changing the theme (to my own dark theme). Also read the info manual for the Android port so can now find files in e.g. the Downloads directory etc. enabling transfer to/from Emacs and other systems. Early days but fun! I look forward to new versions of this build of Emacs. 🙂
@ambihelical @davidstalane Thanks, I've forgot to get the newer version from #MELPA!
Today, I was struggling with emacs not being able to see the modified $PATH variable. So, I went searching and found this: This package executes startup scripts like .bashrc, .bash_profile and gets $PATH variable. I am happy :blobcat: #emacs #melpa #path
Thanks to Liu Hui's work there is now a #transient version of #dired-rsync for #emacs so you can tweak your rsync options before calling. Available in #melpa now.
#transient #dired #emacs #melpa
a new package to navigate and edit #latex tables in #emacs is on #melpa
Oxford Dictionaries names ‘goblin mode’ its word of the year
#elpa #emacs #marginallyfunny #melpa #screenshot