68. #Troika (#MelsoniaArtsCouncil) We're still out in the desert dealing with rogue ancient technology which has forsaken its programming and now wants a very different lifestyle. Somehow we bring it round and then claim the reward from both parties with an interest in our mission. We're swimming in water!
#troika #melsoniaartscouncil #ttrpg #2023games
68. #Troika (#MelsoniaArtsCouncil) A new game this week as I get to play for a change. We intrepid explorers of the unknown set out across the desert to see what is messing with the drug trade. Almost lost a PC in the first skirmish, Troika is very unforgiving. But it's great gonzo fun generally as we cross the tropes and find mad solutions to crazy problems.
#troika #melsoniaartscouncil #ttrpg #2023games