RT @PlantAdaptation
Postdoc position available in my group : population/evolutionary genomics in Arabidopsis halleri. Demography and other genome-wide analyses & sequence variation at loci we found to be central in adaptive traits using GWAS and QTL mapping. Please contact me if interested! #MEM2023
RT @Lufpa
#MEM2023 was a great meeting! As a new lab, we are very much looking forward to becoming active members of the community of evolutionary biologists in Germany 🇩🇪 https://twitter.com/MEMWWU/status/1636353313451933696
Check out the final schedule for the 2nd Münster Evolution Meeting👉 https://www.uni-muenster.de/Evolution/MEM/main.shtml
The abstract book will be available next week.
The preliminary schedule for MEM 2023 is now available on our website. Check it out!
#MEM2023 @WWU_Muenster
Registration and abstract submission for #MEM2023WWU is now closed.
Did you miss the registration deadline and wish to register to attend the talks? No problem. Just shoot an email to mem@uni-muenster.de by the 10th of February, 2023.@WWU_Muenster #MEM2023
Registration and abstract submission for #MEM2023WWU is now closed.
Did you miss the registration deadline and wish to register to attend the talks? No problem. Just shoot an email to mem@uni-muenster.de by the 10th of February, 2023.@WWU_Muenster #MEM2023
We have already received more than 100 registrations for the 2nd Münster Evolution Meeting! #MEM2023 🥳
The abstract submission deadline has been extended for one more week. Register and submit your abstracts until 23rd January 2023!
Only 5 days left to register for the 2nd Münster Evolution Meeting 2023 #MEM2023 @WWU_Muenster
Register now and submit your abstracts until 16th January 2023.
See you all in Münster!