Calling all #foodcoop enthusiasts: Please help me add #foodcoops from around the world to this collaborative map, so people can see whether there are any in their vicinity:
A food #coop in the context of this map is a #workerowned or #memberowned grocery store, either physical or digital. Please don't add #cooperatives that are associations of producers or wholesalers, since this is not what the map is for.
Thank you all very much in advance!
#foodcoop #foodcoops #coop #workerowned #memberowned #cooperatives »A #DAO is an #organization constructed by #rules encoded as #software. #DAOs are #memberowned #communities without centralized leadership. A DAO's financial #transactionrecords and #programrules are maintained on a #blockchain.«
#DAO #organization #rules #software #daos #memberowned #communities #transactionrecords #programrules #blockchain