If you see anything related to propping up the meme that is turdsite buyer (aka memecoiner), do not even look at it.
Just scroll right past that sh!t.
Memecoiner's purpose is mostly to drain your life's energy, taking it for itself.
And we will not stop calling the #botfarm it bought #turdSite… the namechange changes nothing, in our view.
#botfarm #TurdSite #muskrat #memeCoiner #turdSiteBuyer
What is this about?
We now block #Memecoiner musk assets with the #DigitalFeudalism CounterAction (DFCA) setup?
Tell the #memecoiner that a good place for #shitcoins already exists.
Everyone knows that only #bitcoin and monero are valueable, the rest are #memecoins or (mind our language) #shitcoins.
Ppl like MUSK are elevated on TURDSITE because they are helping to distract from the real. Therefore one can reliably inform the #turdCoiner to hurry along to #turdSite, as #botFarms are ready and waiting for all their shilling needs.
#memeCoiner #shitcoins #bitcoin #memeCoins #turdCoiner #TurdSite #botFarms
Our admin guided us to not even use the term "BigTech" as that is also their term. We have since used #dotCons, and we also think its more accurate.
We also use (#)CAGEFAM when we want to express to people that their is an easy acronym to remember that lists #GAFAM, c'flare and #memecoiner/turdSiteBuyer.
When we must we also make sure to deface their name when #hashtagging, ie. #amAZON, #goOGlE (the 'L' is lower case) + oft use degoratory names in prose (Scamazon, Fakebook etc).
#dotcons #gafam #memeCoiner #hashtagging #amazon #google
Step *away* from the #SpaceX-founder and beneficiary-of-the-free-money forced news.
CAGEFAM = #GAFAM + CloudFlare + a certain "space" explorer and #memecoiner who shall not be named.
Thanks for asking.
#whatIsCAGEFAM #CAGEFAM @MitiGator@101010.pl
#gafam #memeCoiner #whatIsCAGEFAM #cageFam
Attacking the #dotcon store (#AppleStore), we will not condone it, but we will say that there are six letters in #CAGFAM.
. . .
And seven (#CAGEFAM) if you include #memecoiner.
#dotcon #applestore #CAGFAM #cageFam #memeCoiner
The obsession with #spaceExploration stems from a pursuit to find an #alternateTimeline in which memecoiner is still memecoiner but also a #crediblePerson.
Failing that, #memecoiner can use the #autonomousDrones that govts funded for spaceExploration to #droneBomb all the people who know memecoiner is #notACrediblePerson.
Thus gaining a moment in a timeline as a crediblePerson.
#spaceexploration #alternateTimeline #crediblePerson #memeCoiner #autonomousDrones #DroneBomb #notACrediblePerson
We have #I2P, a great way to decentralise #theInternet.
Bet we won't hear the EFF talk much about that though, given their ties with Cloudflare and God knows who else.
BTW recently we discovered that even #SpaceX (ie. #memecoiner) is running I2P nodes! Could it be related to #BitcoinCore using I2P? Who knows. This is all healthy and exciting steps forward for a decentralised internet.
As much as we dislike memecoiner, BTW.
#i2p #TheInternet #spacex #memeCoiner #bitcoincore
As #bitcoiners, we have nothing to share with #memecoiner and #SpaceX #militaryContractor.
Go away.
#bitcoiners #memeCoiner #spacex #militarycontractor
We say always get #recaptcha like these wrong.
Don't help #Google, #memecoiner and the #micimatt train #autonomousDrones.
Use the speech capcha and make it slightly sexual/lewd so google have to manually check that part of the video.
#recaptcha #google #memeCoiner #MICIMATT #autonomousDrones
It depends how you use it. #LightningNetwork is high #surveillance.
Recent fluctuations are reportedly #China cracking down on dirty mining. So its good news. We doubt anyone over 12 cares about what #memeCoiner says.
Dollar-cost averaging (ie. #investing smaller amounts but over a longer period) can help to iron out the fluctuations in the price of an emerging thing, like #bitcoin.
Its currently still a relatively #shallowPoolOfVolatility, but… :)
#lightningnetwork #surveillance #china #memeCoiner #investing #bitcoin #shallowPoolOfVolatility