@ArjanHarlaar #memetics alert.
Exactly how bubbles are formed
Cancel your opponents and their views and become a bubble of like-minded people.
In this case #fasicm bubble #twitter #billionaire bot fuckshittery
#memetics #fasicm #twitter #billionaire
@touaregtweet Onder leiding van #koolmees een #d66 corifee
#neoliberalism is gewoon #climatechange aanwakkeren want samenleving is een kostenpost
Over toxische memes gesproken #kostenpost #memetics
#koolmees #d66 #neoliberalism #climatechange #kostenpost #memetics
@glynmoody @fuck_cars_bot We discovered a new human right. The right to meme
@cczymara @politicalscience @polcommjournal Dit is precies hoe de #vvd en fascisme partijen ophef campagnes samen met de outrage van links en betaalde halve zolen van rtl werkt.
@Sheril @Ruth_Mottram In the #bubble of #politicians the world looks different. Same as the bubble of #ceo or other "leaders".
The selection processes and internal dynamics tied to their role makes them more easily extremists. #memetics
#bubble #politicians #ceo #memetics
@harld @seb1959 Klopt wijsneus
Ik was editor van Journal of Memetics
Returning to the immeasurable pages of the Monster-book TOO COOL 4D :abmb: :verified:
TOO COOL the transmedia project is the fruit of an International Aliance between Pataphysicians, Neoists, Discordians, Subgenius, Chaos Magicians, scientists, clowns. etc etc
And the collaborative collective Work of the different tentacles; coordinated, created and edited by Pata-NO UNLTD
#pataphysics #Neoism #disocordianism #subgenius #quantummechanics #memetics #collage #plagiarism #infowars
@UL @bomengidsnl #memetics alert
#abm modeling used together with social experiments. A bubble society is easily formed. #polarisation #extremism #radicalization
#memetics #abm #polarisation #extremism #radicalization
@dcjohnson The man was a #neoliberalism meme machine
In a time people didn't understand memes
#evolution of #language
#memetics alert
Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages | Science https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abg0818
#evolution #language #memetics
Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/05/social-media-democracy-trust-babel/629369/
fun fact about #memes #memetics #meme engineering:
apart from famous Wojak meme ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojak ) , Poland also invented “Polandballs” known now as “Countryballs”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polandballs .
(a Pole myself i am meme creator by using AI images and LLM AI -supported texts, but I do think also about creating original memes based on my drawings/cartoons)
fun fact about #memes #memetics #meme engineering:
apart from famous Wojak meme ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wojak ) , Poland also invented “Polandballs” known now as “Countryballs”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polandballs .
(a Pole myself i am meme creator by using AI images and LLM AI -supported texts, but I do think also about creating original memes based on my drawings/cartons)