Uff. Nach längerer Pause habe ich wieder einmal ein #Gesellschaftsspiel zu übersetzen. Sah gar nicht gefährlich aus, aber nach zwei Jahren ohne fehlt die Übung. Sogar #MemoQ musste ich erst mal wieder an alles erinnern.
#gesellschaftsspiel #memoQ #xl8 #Ubersetzung #translation #boardgames
Still figuring out whether to definitively migrate my #translation business from one CAT tool to another: from #MemoQ to #CafeTran
In the test runs, I like the functionality better in CafeTran, but don't like that you apparently can only have three metadata fields attached to a TM segment. That means losing access to 20 years' worth of meaningful detailed metadata.
So far, that's the only drawback. I just need to ponder whether it's a deal breaker.... #translator
#translation #memoQ #cafetran #translator
Maintenant dans #memoQ, on peut automatiser les apostrophes courbes.
À elle seule cette amélioration vaudrait le prix de la licence 🤪
#memoQ #maviedetraductricelatetedansleguidon
#memoQ's new backup wizard really saved me this week after my PC died. It recovers everything: your settings, your projects, your TMs, term bases and other resources. I had made a full backup a couple of weeks ago and at the end of the day I always make a backup of the project(s) I have been working on. It takes just a few minutes and this way, you can easily transfer everything to a new (or temporary) computer.
As much as I love the new backup wizard in #memoQ for backing up settings, I hate that it has replaced the much simpler option to backup individual projects. I now have to close memoQ to back up a project and there no longer seems to be a way to automatically save backups in the Language Terminal.
Is there a way to type small caps in #memoQ?
I tried searching, but annoyingly memoQ seems to use "small caps" in their documentation when they mean "lower-case letters". Not the same thing!