Just having an old school reminisce, looking at #music from back home when I was young of #JeanLeloup, #DanielBoucher, #MeMomandMorgentaler, #ManuChao, #ManoNegra, #LesNegressesVertes..
And remembered that teachers in my private school were worried I might be a sexual deviant/homosexual and drug addict because I used to read Voir, The Hour and The Mirror (free "alternative" newspapers that were distributed in #Montreal back in the day...
#montreal #lesnegressesvertes #manonegra #manuchao #memomandmorgentaler #danielboucher #jeanleloup #music
I asked Google to play Me Mom and Morgentaler. I wasn’t aware they reunited to cover this song in 2020. I was expecting music I knew from the late ‘80s and early ‘90s when I was a student at McGill in Montreal. I saw them in concert so many times.
#MusicIsLife #NowPlaying #RacistFriend2020 #MeMomAndMorgentaler #SmartSpeaker #Spotify
#musicislife #nowplaying #racistfriend2020 #memomandmorgentaler #smartspeaker #spotify
This morning’s song playing on the radio station in my head (en français):
#NowPlaying #RadioStationInMyHead #MusicIsLife #auparavant #MeMomAndMorgentaler
#nowplaying #radiostationinmyhead #musicislife #auparavant #memomandmorgentaler