The Anthropology Department at #MemorialUniversity of Newfoundland and Labrador Canada is searching for a mid-career or senior scholar. The idea is to serve initially as head, with appointment a tenured Professor (permanent). More details here - message with questions!
#Anthropology #SocialAnthropology #CulturalAnthropology
#memorialuniversity #anthropology #socialanthropology #culturalanthropology #academicjobs #newfoundlandandlabrador
There is controversy in #Newfoundland & Labrador over claims of #Indigenous ancestry by the president of #MemorialUniversity. A Mi’kmaw chief in Newfoundland is encouraging the university to consult with #Indigenous leaders about how to proceed. #Indigeneity #Mikmaq
#Newfoundland #indigenous #memorialuniversity #indigeneity #Mikmaq
Here's some of the context for the 90% strike mandate (with 93% turnout) that members of the Memorial University Faculty Association, MUNFA, recently delivered to the union executive.
#MemorialUniversity #NewfoundlandAndLabrador #WorkersRights #Labour #PublicUniversity #CollegialGovernance
#memorialuniversity #newfoundlandandlabrador #workersrights #labour #publicuniversity #collegialgovernance
The Executive of my union, MUNFA, just released the results of our strike vote yesterday: 90% voted YES, with a turnout of 93% of the membership. That's a pretty clear message to the #MemorialUniversity
administration. People are fed up with the status quo. Now let's get back to the table and get that #FairDealAtMUN for the sake of our oublic university. #NewfoundlandAndLabrador #WorkersRights #Labour #University
#memorialuniversity #fairdealatmun #newfoundlandandlabrador #workersrights #labour #university
I just voted YES to my union's
request for a strike mandate. MUNFA, Memorial University's faculty union, is fighting for better conditions for contract academic staff & better university governance. A #FairDeal will make our public university stronger & more democratic. If you're not bargaining you're begging! #MemorialUniversity #NewfoundlandAndLabrador #Labour #WorkersRights
#fairdeal #memorialuniversity #newfoundlandandlabrador #labour #workersrights
I’m up for that Sevtap
#NewfoundlandAndLabrador #newfoundlandandlabrador #MemorialUniversity
#newfoundlandandlabrador #memorialuniversity
Speaking of MUN, had a letter published in The Muse once.
#themuse #memorialuniversity #mun
Still don't care for the #MUN logo. The old 'shield' was used from 1949, the typeface added ~1990 & used from 1995-2006.
The new one was a commisioned design. Actually pretty great at meeting the design goals. Evokes a cliff or iceberg, the rise on the right for growth or motion, visually simple, scales well.
But it is like a #logo for simpletons. Dull and basic. The old logo being retained for ceremonial use sorta highlights the failures of thd new one in my mind.
#mun #logo #memorialuniversity