raimoncoding · @raimoncoding
32 followers · 49 posts · Server techhub.social


Hey everyone! In this video, I demonstrate a cool flashcard program I built using Python and the Tkinter library. It's a great way to learn and memorize programming terms or any other set of information.

The program randomly presents flashcards with terms on one side and their meanings on the other. You can flip the card to reveal the meaning, and if you already know the term, simply click the 'Known' button to remove it from the deck. It's a fun and interactive way to study!

I've uploaded the complete source code for this project on my GitHub repository, so you can check it out and try it yourself. Here's the link: github.com/raimoncoding/flashc

I hope you find this program interesting and useful. If you enjoy the video, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to my channel for more programming projects and tutorials.

Thanks for watching, and happy learning!

#flashcards #learning #memorization #programming #coding #python #tkinter #github

Last updated 1 year ago

Alex Bilson · @acbilson
77 followers · 362 posts · Server indieweb.social

Since we were sick with the flu the first two weeks of February the habits of exercise, meditation and memorization that started so well in January need a jumpstart.

I've found that since the flu, breathing exercises have required more focus than before. My body is still distressed even though flu symptoms have faded.

In , I'd just started two sets before illness and it's kicking my butt now. Slowly starting to build up motivation.

is at a standstill.

#memorization #exercise #qigong

Last updated 2 years ago

New Submissions to TMLR · @tmlrsub
159 followers · 384 posts · Server sigmoid.social
Alex Bilson · @acbilson
70 followers · 464 posts · Server indieweb.social

I’ve not had this degree of doubt about my capacity to keep to any habit for some time. But I’m convinced it’s crucial to find a way.

Nearing the end of January, is holding. Almost through Hebrews 3. is spotty, but progress is still evident with only four tries (and I was sick for a bit). Unexpectedly, I may also add something from /#Taiji. I’m having more success in part, I believe, because I’m working on with at least one other.

#habits #qigong #exercise #memorization

Last updated 2 years ago

Published papers at TMLR · @tmlrpub
489 followers · 155 posts · Server sigmoid.social

Attention Beats Concatenation for Conditioning Neural Fields

Daniel Rebain, Mark J. Matthews, Kwang Moo Yi, Gopal Sharma, Dmitry Lagun, Andrea Tagliasacchi


#attention #conditioning #memorization

Last updated 2 years ago

Kevin Pho, MD · @kevinmd
242 followers · 133 posts · Server med-mastodon.com

Medical school success tip: Don't just memorize, understand

Are you striving to become a memorization pro and earn a spot in medical school? Well, let me tell you, once you get there, the amount of information you'll need to manage and comprehend can be overwhelming.

Heidi Chumley is dean, Ross University School of Medicine.


Listen here: kevinmd.com/podcast

#medschool #medstudent #studying #education #learning #Unlearning #deeplearning #memorization

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Bilson · @acbilson
57 followers · 277 posts · Server indieweb.social

I’ve missed memorizing larger chunks of the . Haven’t done any new stories or passages for years. Thinking this will be the year for a new attempt.

The largest segments I’ve memorized are the Sermon on the Mount, Romans 1-8, most of Ephesians, and 31 proverbs. Don’t quiz me though-it’s been many years.

“I’m torn between a section of the and the scroll of Hebrews. Who wants to join me?

#memorization #Torah #bible

Last updated 2 years ago

Falcon · @falcon
62 followers · 155 posts · Server mindly.social

This month I wanna try memorizing a poem. Still not decided which one, but need to find something kinda easy.
I’ve read that something with more musicality might be an easier place to start - suggestion there was The Raven
Any tips or suggestions?

#poetry #memorization

Last updated 2 years ago

dimi · @dimi
10 followers · 76 posts · Server qoto.org

I was trying to write about the app and how it's really helpful for people with who need to memorize large amounts of information. Because it remembers how well you know individual , once you have the cards loaded into the app, you don't have to waste dopamine on organization and can just focus on . It's been an incredible help to me—whenever I have an impulse/reminder to , all I need to do is open the app. It's an incredible tool for .

#anki #adhd #flashcards #memorization #study #learning

Last updated 2 years ago