BoydstonLaw · @BoydstonLaw
371 followers · 213 posts · Server
Xydealist · @Xyla
13 followers · 91 posts · Server

She told me she hadn't seen me in 100 years
And to her, she might as well have been right
Her memory only seemed to go back a minute and it'd been 9 months
She'd liked travel, I wonder if she'll get to do that again
She told me she hasn't seen me in a hundred years
And asked again what I did for a job
She had sunburn but she didn't remember getting it
It's not common to have a sunburn in early March, but the climate is changing
She liked sunbathing and eating sweets and it looked like she'd been getting plenty of both and good community
She told me she hadn't seen me in 100 years and asked how long it'd really been
Asked me how the family was
Every time I told her I'd taken a plane to come see her she was very impressed
She said the same things over and over
But they were important to her each time and I like hearing them
I hadn't seen her in 100 years and 75 more the time before that and centuries over through the start of the pandemic
That's the closest she got to complaining
I changed a lot since she had her memory
But she had recent photos and she recognized me
She told me she hadn't seen me in 100 years
It means she wants to see me more, to look at me
She's old but she doesn't mind my appearance
When I don't have memory, I hope I can tell my family I love them

#memorycare #dementia

Last updated 2 years ago

Sherri Koehler · @PDXyogini
110 followers · 367 posts · Server

Dear ,

Do I know anyone that knows someone working in computer usability, particularly accessibility for elders?

Discussing an important challenge with a friend; how do we get folks with cognitive impairments, like dementia and Alzheimer’s, to recognize visitors via telepresence? After many reminders that the “lady on the tv nurse isn’t taking to you”, this population is having a hard time believing that the person on the laptop screen is really there to talk to them.

#fediverse #eldercare #memorycare #walkingeachotherhome #ui

Last updated 2 years ago

Monika · @monika
5 followers · 10 posts · Server

An elderly gentleman at the hospice memory care facility I played for this morning whistled along as I played Singin' in the Rain, and that reminded me of my grandpa. 🥹

#musicianlife #harp #harpist #memorycare #singingintherain

Last updated 2 years ago

CK DexterHaven · @ckshowalter
197 followers · 1123 posts · Server

So elder care has elements of toddler care to it. I’m currently negotiating with another resident who has food security issues and keeps taking food off Miss B’s plate. So there’s a lot of “can I have this? No? Well can we trade then?” in order to prevent meltdowns.

#lunchroomnegotiations #memorycare

Last updated 2 years ago

CK DexterHaven · @ckshowalter
196 followers · 1098 posts · Server

There’s a range of jobs that rely on routine, predictability, and the ability to respond appropriately when things go sideways. Elder care/memory care is all routine and low key, until something starts to skid. Then you have to be able to respond quickly. This week is all routines. Which my still recovering from concussion brain is happy about. Yay for the q word at work.


Last updated 2 years ago

CK DexterHaven · @ckshowalter
192 followers · 1006 posts · Server

The joys of memory care. My client banged closed fist on top of my head while I was trying to change her. I’ve got a mild concussion on top of insomnia. Not a fan.

#memorycare #alzheimers #insomnia

Last updated 2 years ago

CK DexterHaven · @ckshowalter
95 followers · 367 posts · Server

Evening shenanigans. Pineapple belongs on pizza. So says Miss B.

#memorycare #alzheimers

Last updated 2 years ago

Akire Bubar · @akirebubar
9 followers · 84 posts · Server

This is a bit of comics journaling about visiting my Mom recently. It's just something I drew for myself, with no particular thought to sharing it. But I know a lot of you are slowly losing parents to dementia, or already have, so I'm posting it here for those of you who can relate.
I wrote more about the challenges, & also the unexpected *gifts* of dementia here, if you're interested:
I can't help but think of the book "Are You My Mother?" when my Mom asks if I'm her daughter. Here we are, she and I, navigating yet another role-reversal. But that dynamic is familiar territory for us.
If you can't read my handwriting, I've transcribed all of it in the image description below.

#journalcomics #ComicsJournaling #memory #memorycare #unexpectedgifts #DisabledArtist #patreon #family #graphicmemoir #relationships #parents #sketches #familydynamics #rolereversal

Last updated 2 years ago

LizMarr · @LizMarr
134 followers · 130 posts · Server

I’m testing out the photo description feature. At Foxdale Village senior living in State College PA, the memory care unit fosters kittens from the local animal shelter for a win-win! The residents love playing with the kittens so the young felines get plenty of socialization with humans.

#eldercare #dementia #memorycare #kittens #cats

Last updated 2 years ago