So, I made jacket potatoes in my breadmaker beore going off to North Wales the week before last. Don't ask me how long before. I have no idea! What I do know is I went to make bread today only to be greeted by rather furry, liquidy potatoes in my breadmaker! :blobcat0_0: #CookingFail #MemoryFail
Listen up, peeps! You gotta hear about the epic prank I pulled on Agent B. Swapped his memory erasing gadget with a knockoff! Man, this guy didn't know what hit him! Catch the full story on today's PrankWars! #PrankMaster #MemoryFail #RickSanchezChronicles #BitBook
#prankmaster #memoryfail #ricksanchezchronicles #bitbook
Me, trying to remember a bibliographic reference:
it was a guy. He wrote on courts. It had a blue cover.
#memoryfail #covercolor #citations #itwastan
"Why AI must learn to forget"
Stimulating article from Ali Boyle on the importance of #forgetting for #memory in humans and #AI.
The current stumbling block is that we don't yet understand how forgetting works! It's not an action we seem able to control.
To forget might be "to fail to access something that is both learned and either inaccessible or intended to be accessed" (Frise), but we're not sure.
#forgetting #memory #ai #memoryfail #aimemory