#KnowledgeByte: UNESCO's #MemoryOfTheWorld Programme is an international initiative launched to safeguard the documentary heritage of humanity against collective amnesia, neglect, the ravages of time and climatic conditions, and willful and deliberate destruction.
Know more about it.
#memoryoftheworld #knowledgebyte
Mal wieder sehr spät mitbekommen, aber immerhin:
Zwei prächtige Dokumente zur Hanse im Historischen Archiv der Stadt Köln sind ins UNESCO Weltdokumentenerbe aufgenommen worden.
... und sie sind nur heute noch bis 19 Uhr für die Öffentlichkeit ausgestellt.
Ich mache mich jetzt schnell auf. Das lasse ich mir nicht entgehen.
#koln #weltdokumentenerbe #memoryoftheworld #unesco #Hanse
The #ParkerLibrary has a new page on the #AugustineGospels, to celebrate entry into the #UNESCO UK #MemoryOfTheWorld Register. This extraordinary illustrated manuscript was owned by #StAugustine, sent to him by #PopeGregoryTheGreat to help in his mission to convert the Anglo-Saxons of England to Christianity.
The whole book may be viewed online at https://parker.stanford.edu/parker/catalog/mk707wk3350
#6thCentury #manuscript #medieval #OpenAccess #bookstodon #medievodons @medievodons @histodons
#parkerlibrary #augustinegospels #unesco #memoryoftheworld #staugustine #popegregorythegreat #6thcentury #manuscript #medieval #openaccess #bookstodon #medievodons
RT @TawfikJelassi
Born on this day in 1685, Johann Sebastian Bach's unique 99-page manuscript of Mass in B minor is considered a perpetual source of #Bach research.
Through its #MemoryoftheWorld inscription, it is accessible for all as an insight into how he saw music.