@baudwalk My 5 are a mixture of from #MemphisAnimalServices (3 of them) and from a friend of a friend (1) and dumped in a neighborhood where a friend lives & does rescues (1). The last is my Calico Lillie.
#memphisanimalservices #catsofmastodon #calico #cats
Good news! Handsome Toot, my former foster cat, was adopted from Memphis Animal Services on Feb-28-2023. So, success in rehoming both of the fosters I took in back in October.
#FosterCats #memphisanimalservices #catsofmastadon
Update: I surrendered my 2nd foster cat to #MemphisAnimalServices on February 14th. While it's great to have full use of my house back & my clowder is pleased to get back into the front rooms, I miss both of the fosters. I need to check w/Lexie at MAS to see how Toot is doing.
As well as my clowder, I'm fostering one, surrendered my other foster to #MemphisAnimalServices this week for an adoption event, and I feed 1 semi-feral yard cat.
I work from home for a part of FedEx with mandatory overtime. Other than the cats, it's just me, books, my bad knees, & diabetes👨🦯. #disabled
I love #SFFH, reading, writing, politics, and cons -- although not so much the cons during the ongoing plagues.😷
My degree included classes in logic.
I support #reparations.
#memphisanimalservices #disabled #sffh #reparations
Happy #Caturday from foster cat Tiger, who is available as #A17445 at #MemphisAnimalServices. I have an appointment to take him and his so-far-unregistered brother Too into MAS on Wednesday so they can put them on display for adoption. Fostering to adopt from here hasn't worked. I'm hopeful they will go together and quickly to a new forever home where they can be loved as they deserve. (Looking forward to getting my home back as it was. 5 cats is plenty.) #foster #adopt #cats #Memphis
#caturday #a17445 #memphisanimalservices #foster #adopt #cats #memphis