We are thrilled to be back at #CDCUCon2023 in #MemphisTN to #servelanguagejustice. Thanks to Inclusiv for flying us from #PuertoRico to provide #simultaneousinterpretation services from #English to #Spanish and to ContextGlobal Inc. for supporting us with audiovisual services. We look forward to breaking the #languagebarrier and promoting #financialequity and #inclusion again this year.
#cdcucon2023 #memphistn #servelanguagejustice #puertorico #simultaneousinterpretation #english #spanish #languagebarrier #financialequity #inclusion
Protesters across America are starting to take to the streets and shutdown I-55 to demand Justice for Tyre Nichols.
Protest come amid news of numerous other Americans who have recently faced unjustified use of force at the hands of police.
Mug shots of Memphis' murderous cops have been released.
Officers were booked into Shelby County Jail Thursday morning(Jan 26th, 2023) and as of this post have already bond out of custody. All five are now free men until their Grand Jury hearings. Bond was set at $250k - $350k.
#TyreNichols #Memphis #ACAB #Tennesse #MemphisTN #PoliceViolence
#tyrenichols #memphis #acab #tennesse #memphistn #policeviolence
Five Memphis cops have just been indicted in the killing of Tyre Nichols.
Attorney Ben Crump confirms they will face charges of official oppression+misconduct, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping and 2nd murder.
The body cam footage is expected to be release tomorrow evening 1/27/2023.
We will be posting it here with CW. Depending on the nature of the content we may only host it temporarily.
#TyreNichols #Memphis #ACAB #Tennesse #MemphisTN #PoliceViolence
#tyrenichols #memphis #acab #tennesse #memphistn #policeviolence
Tyre D. Nichols, a Black man died after a traffic stop by Memphis TN undercover cops beat him to death. He ran believing it was a carjacking bec a few had happened in the area by ppl posing as police. Accountability doesn't happen nor will it stop racist cops believing they have immunity from killing Black people. There is an answer but I won't say on a public forum. #policekillings #MemphisTN
currently 12 degrees with a windchill of - 5 in #memphistn. I might be from the great plains of Kansas but this cold is stupid.
So here is my official introduction to the #Fediverse.
Hi my name is Bill, I'm 43 and originally from #WichitaKs and have been living in #MemphisTn now for 4 years.
I have spent the last 18 years of my career life working on #FullFlightSimulators initially with FlightSafety International for 14 years before moving to Memphis and now working on them for #FedEx.
My spare time is filled with keeping up with my kids, #HamRadio #Photograpy, and #BBQ. I do enjoy #PCGaming still too.
#pcgaming #bbq #photograpy #HamRadio #fedex #fullflightsimulators #memphistn #wichitaks #Fediverse
#archaeology #jobs Tomorrow is the deadline for #federal #job in #memphistn https://www.mvm.usace.army.mil/Portals/51/DHA%20Announcement%20%20Regulatory%20Archaeologist.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3XNmtn6QK8b-yquBhOYpWoTc9hPnfg-7T326eiDNMvNoxAdv7hRinNbg0
#memphistn #job #federal #jobs #archaeology
#archaeologists Check out this #federal #job in #memphistn https://www.mvm.usace.army.mil/Portals/51/DHA%20Announcement%20%20Regulatory%20Archaeologist.pdf
#memphistn #job #federal #archaeologists