Konzerttipp #Dresden: Heute Freitag spielt das Wiener Bandkollektiv #Memplex im #JazzclubTonne
Die aktuelle CD "Villains" gibt's bei Bandcamp und sie macht echt Lust auf das Konzert! Leider bin ich selbst auf den Spuren des großen Kurt Weill unterwegs, deshalb hoffe ich, dass viele von Euch mich vertreten!
Have fun!
#jazz #music #concert #konzert #live #vienna #austria
#austria #vienna #live #konzert #concert #music #jazz #jazzclubtonne #memplex #dresden
Right in time for Bandcamp Friday the vinyl editon of "Villains" by our band Memplex arrived today.
So happy! It just looks so good with the black inner sleeve, the red label and of course the fabulous artwork by Fabian Seiz.
So please check out our bandcamp:
#memplex #bandcamp #bandcampfriday #jazz #vinyl #musodon #villains #music
#memplex #bandcamp #BandcampFriday #jazz #vinyl #musodon #villains #music
I just realized, I never posted anything about the music I do.
Well, check out the #bandcamp page of Memplex. A quintet that I'm playing in, and I think it's a rather good one too. I feel very lucky to be making music with these fantastic musicians.
#bandcamp #jazz #music #musodon #contemporaryjazz #memplex #wien #vienna #österreich #austria #trumpet #saxophone #drums #bass #piano #quintet
#bandcamp #jazz #music #musodon #contemporaryjazz #memplex #Wien #vienna #osterreich #austria #trumpet #saxophone #drums #bass #piano #quintet
Hello everyone! This is an #introduction
I'm Werner, a #musician, #saxophone player, #composer from #Vienna. I'm also teaching sax #improvisation and #musictheory
I'm playing mostly #jazz and #improvisedmusic.
Recent projects that I'm involved in are #Memplex, #LittleRosiesKindergarten and #SingerZangerle
Ten years ago I initiated a small #recordlabel called #ListenClosely with colleagues and friends.
I have a huge interest in #renaissance and #baroquemusic and #counterpoint.
#introduction #musician #saxophone #composer #vienna #improvisation #musictheory #jazz #improvisedmusic #memplex #littlerosieskindergarten #singerzangerle #recordlabel #listenclosely #renaissance #baroquemusic #counterpoint #musodon