Now at #PyConLT: @cheukting_ho on memory profiling with memray!
#memray #python
#pyconlt #memray #python
2 computers, 2 operating systems, 2 profilers... Trying to lower the memory usage of a project, and speeding things up at the same time (because both are inherently related due to design decisions)...
#python :python: :blobthinking:
PS: the #memray profiler rocks :blobgrin:
#python #memray
Quite surprised at how good #memray for #python is... And I still feel like I've only scratched the surface of what can be done with it
Mit pytest-memray automatisiert die Speicher-Allokation eines Programms überwachen
@pytest.mark.limit_memory("24 MB")def test_foobar(): pass # do some stuff that allocates memory
#Python #pytest #memray
#memray #pytest #python