Neue Apps um Deutsch perfekt zulernen #Apps #Kultur #Memrise #SprachenLernen #Weiterbildung
#apps #kultur #memrise #sprachenlernen #Weiterbildung
ooh :blobcatsurprised: I just found out I can get the new #Memrise interface via their Early Access option (in Settings). Everything is shiny and new! :blobcat_banban: #LangaugeLearning #LanguageStudy #Languages
#languages #languagestudy #langaugelearning #memrise
Leuk dat ik de woorden die ik via Duolingo leer nu ook tegenkom op Memrise. #PoolsLeren #memrise #zelfstudie
#zelfstudie #memrise #poolsleren
Cheers to @grumpysmiffy for telling me about #Memrise – the #language learning app that looks really good in some ways
but it has a weird selection of #languages that seems… geopolitically informed
No Arabic, Swahili, Hindi or Farsi, which globally speaking would unlock so much communication potential
But it has Slovenian, Polish and Mongolian, which globally speaking are quite niche
Also, it has Yoruba
But mostly there are a lot of European languages
Bonus of using #memrise on my phone is it trains astrology words into my keyboard :brain4:
Want to join me as #accountabilibuddies?
#astrology #astrological #memrise #AccountabilityBuddies
#accountabilibuddies #astrology #astrological #memrise #accountabilitybuddies
Want to join me as #accountabilibuddies?
#astrology #astrological #memrise AccountabilityBuddies
#accountabilibuddies #astrology #astrological #memrise
Want to join me as #AccountabilityBuddies?
#astrology #astrological #memrise
#accountabilitybuddies #astrology #astrological #memrise
Want to join me as #AccountabilityBuddies?
#astrology #astrological #memrise
#accountabilitybuddies #astrology #astrological #memrise
Ik probeer een #taal te leren via apps als #Drops en #Memrise. Met Drops leer je vooral woordjes en korte zinnetjes - het zou me verbazen dat je een taal daarmee echt onder knie krijgt. Maar de combi met Memrise is krachtig. De ene app blijkt een prima aanvulling bij de andere. #LanguageTransfer is ook goed maar die app is in het Engels en dat is toch een beetje een handicap - ik leer liever vanuit een Nederlandstalige app.
#taal #drops #memrise #languagetransfer
Just posted something new: Nun startet der Duolingo-Sprachkurs in Guaraní.
Die Sprache wird in Paraguay gesprochen aber auch in Teilen Argentiniens, Brasiliens und Boliviens. Der Eigenname lautet: avañe'ẽ.
#avañe'ẽ #guaraní #sprache #duolingo #love #instagood #photooftheday #deutsch #memrise #spezialinteresse #language #picoftheday #photography #music #lernen #happy #autismus #mentalhealth #paraguay #bolivien #spanisch #argentinien #brasilien -
#avane #guarani #sprache #duolingo #love #instagood #photooftheday #deutsch #memrise #spezialinteresse #language #picoftheday #photography #music #lernen #happy #autismus #mentalhealth #paraguay #bolivien #spanisch #argentinien #brasilien
Just posted something new: So, den Duolingo-Kurs in Katalanisch habe ich erfolgreich beendet zum Jahresende.
#sprachelernen #sprache #spanisch #duolingo #lernen #autismus #love #instagood #photooftheday #memrise #bildung #language #autism #picoftheday #katalanisch #photography #sprachenlernen #spezialinteresse #català -
#sprachelernen #sprache #spanisch #duolingo #lernen #autismus #love #instagood #photooftheday #memrise #bildung #language #autism #picoftheday #katalanisch #photography #sprachenlernen #spezialinteresse #catala
@greenexpanse For some languages #DuoLingo provides some basic explanation that helps here and there. But I agree - you have to infer a lot.
That's why I bounce around among several language learning apps - DuoLingo, #Babbel, Drops, Mango, #Mondly, and #Memrise. All have their strengths.
Personally I find Babbel and Mango are the most comprehensive.
#duolingo #babbel #mondly #memrise
Had to quit #duolingo due to the terrible #duolingoupdate. 500 day streak. No offline mode that I PAID FOR 🤬 Trying #memrise now
#duolingo #duolingoupdate #memrise