<Don't say positronic...don't say positronic...don't say positronic...don't say...>
#memcomputer #memristors #computing #sff #science #sciencefiction
#memcomputer #memristors #computing #sff #science #sciencefiction
RT @aguerrerouji
We are hiring! Are you a materials scientist or electrical engineer and you are interested in artificial vision? We are working on a project to create an #artificial #retina using halide perovskite #memristors. Deadline 17 April
#memristors #retina #artificial
If your a post-doc on the #jobhunt for a funded project working on hybrid neuromorphic devices and systems, I know the hiring manager:
#AFOSR #neuromorphic #electrophysiology #biomimetic #electrophysiology #memristors, #artificialneurons, #nanofabrication
#jobhunt #afosr #neuromorphic #electrophysiology #biomimetic #memristors #artificialneurons #nanofabrication
"Our results show that a Bayesian machine can be implemented in a system with distributed #memristors, performing computation
locally, and with min. energy movement, allowing the computation of #BayesianInference with an energy efficiency more than three orders of magnitude higher than a standard microcontroller unit. Due to its reliance on non-volatile memory, and its sole use of read ops, once [...] programmed, the system may be powered down anytime while regaining functionality instantly. "
#memristors #BayesianInference
RT @MelikaPayvand
We have done it! Hinton is now a #neuromoph! :D
Never thought I would hear the word #memristors from Hinton!
I absolutely LOVE his "mortality" interpretation for analog computing! So exciting! I wish I was at #NeurIPS2022
#NeurIPS2022 #memristors #neuromoph
#DidYouKnow: #Memristors are an emerging high-density technology where the individual memristors can be used as #Storage or to perform #Computation.
The voltage applied across a memristor determines its behavior (storage vs. compute), which enables a configurable memristor substrate that can embed computation with storage.
#computation #storage #memristors #didyouknow
@virginiaheffernan The trend of exponential development in info production and organization has been consistent thru five computing paradigms, and is evident in multiple digital tech streams. The log-log trend extends from the Big Bang https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ParadigmShiftsFrr15Events.svg #quantumcomputing #3Dtransistors #dnacomputing #memristors #EvolutionaryComputing #opticalcomputing #graphene
#graphene #opticalcomputing #EvolutionaryComputing #memristors #dnacomputing #3dtransistors #quantumcomputing
RT from Semiconductor Engineering (@SemiEngineering)
New technical papers:
#RISCV framework for LiM; #FPGA cybersecurity; #DRAM refresh latency; #memristors; 6-qubit #quantum processor; #MXene transistors; fault inspection; #thermal ML solver; spin-orbit #qubit https://semiengineering.com/technical-paper-roundup-oct-4/
@tudelft #semiconductor @TUChemnitz @CEA_Leti
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/SemiEngineering/status/1577318925737414656
#riscv #fpga #dram #memristors #quantum #MXene #thermal #qubit #semiconductor