"As the American imperial project in the Pacific World grew at the end of the nineteenth century, so too did the American security and intelligence state, argues Dr. in ': Anticolonial Solidarities and the Transpacific Origins of the US Security State'.. "


#moonhojung #menacetoempire #racialcapitalism #usimperialism #americanempire #anticolonialmovements #imperialism #philippineamericanwar #books

Last updated 1 year ago

"Menace to Empire" - Pacific Histories of the West February Webinar Series

Author joins Professor Sean Fraga to discuss his new book, : Anticolonial Solidarities and the Transpacific Origins of the US Security State

Wednesday, February 8, 2023
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Pacific Time


#books #decolonization #colonialism #anticolonialmovements #empire #imperialism #usimperialism #usempire #menacetoempire #moonhojung

Last updated 2 years ago