Have you ever felt that surge of frustration when a woman challenges you? Like she’s questioning your manhood?
You know those moments when she questions your decisions, like she’s putting you to the TEST?
The fact is, in the early stages of dating or a relationship, these tests are inevitable.
But it's not because she's out to belittle you or ridicule you. She naturally wants to see what you’re made of. Can you take care of her? Are you equipped to make her feel safe? These are some of the root questions of WHY she tests you and it's because she's genuinely interested.
To learn more, read the full article at orlandoowen.com/blog
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Episode 14 of The Unfocused Writer Podcast is NOW STREAMING! "Sexism & Sex Toys"--which one of you sent Chris the mystery package? We discuss. #theunfocusedwriter #podcast #podcasting #WritingCommunity #sexism #menandwomen Learn More about our podcast at https://theunfocusedwriter.com
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So, I think this one realised he wasn’t going to get anywhere with me and bailed after I said the following:
“BTW, no woman needs a man. We are all perfectly capable of existing without one, just like men don’t need women. I like men, I desire to be with men, I just don’t need one.”
He did with me good luck, though. 😂
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#needsversuswants #menandwomen #relationshipgoals #equality #single #dating #scammers #romancescam #bye
Sharing as a service to those needing this advice. #menandwomen #relationships #humor #LifeExperience
#menandwomen #relationships #humor #LifeExperience