#Earthquake M4.7 strikes 60 km SW of #Mendi (Papua New Guinea) 11 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1275747
#Earthquake M3.8 strikes 82 km W of #Mendi (Papua New Guinea) 10 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1262402
#Earthquake M5.1 strikes 95 km W of #Mendi (Papua New Guinea) 18 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1248325
#Earthquake M4.3 strikes 104 km W of #Mendi (Papua New Guinea) 13 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1245958
Today in #Connecticut History, February 19: Roger Sherman Baldwin: Governor, Senator, but Most of All, Abolitionist
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#connecticut #19thcentury #abolitionism #amistad #connecticutgovernors #connecticuthistory #connecticutpoliticians #cuba #february #johnquincyadams #legalhistory #litchfieldlawschool #mendi #newhaven
Fraudsters make fool out of Bangladeshi politicians and intelligence
Mendi N Safadi, an Israeli Druze, has been milking lots of influential politicians and individuals in Bangladesh by falsely claiming as Likud party leader and Asia...
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Israeli Druze Mendi Safadi resurfaces on media
Several years ago, Israeli Druze, who claims to be the South Asian coordinator of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and a member of the ruling Likud Party came under the media’s spotlight when he secretly met Aslam Chowdhury, a senior leader of pro-Islamist Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and offered his...
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📸1000 #ARGAZKI baino gehiago
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#Earthquake M4.7 strikes 127 km W of #Mendi (Papua New Guinea) 13 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1204666
#Earthquake M4.6 strikes 85 km SW of #Mendi (Papua New Guinea) 9 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1198242
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Antonio #Aretxabala bere blogean artikulu berri bat jarri du non #Esan gertatzen ari dena argitzen du...
Beste pertsonaren iritziak eta jakituria jarri du bertan, #IngenieritzaZibilean aditu batena: #mendi-hegalak nola mugitzen diren, #Zangozan jasango duten arriskua betirako proiektua bukatzen bada...
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