I braided a new strap for this nightgown out of sashiko thread instead of buying some cord #LastSewistStanding #MendingMatters
#mendingmatters #lastsewiststanding
New mend on the bf's jeans—this time around the edge of the pocket. 🧵
#VisibleMend #VisibleMending #Mending #MendingMatters #SynligReparasjon #Reparasjon
#visiblemend #visiblemending #mending #mendingmatters #synligreparasjon #reparasjon
Gestern weiter Pullover repariert, den grünen habe ich von meinem Partner geerbt.
#mending #visiblemending #stichery #sticken #flicken #reparieren #slowfashion #reparierenstattneu #mendingmatters
#mending #visiblemending #stichery #sticken #flicken #reparieren #slowfashion #reparierenstattneu #mendingmatters
Today’s visible mend: Bf’s jeans pocket. There’s lots of work to be done on these, but it’s a nice opportunity to practice stitches and techniques plus try different ideas.
#VisibleMend #VisibleMending #Mending #MendingMatters #SynligReparasjon #Reparasjon
#visiblemend #visiblemending #mending #mendingmatters #synligreparasjon #reparasjon
#Mending - I mended one of J’s shirts rather than see it tossed. It’s not meant to be a visible mend 😅 but it’s not that noticeable against the pattern either. I stabilised the back with a scrap of coordinating fabric- and the thing about love hearts is that if every edge is cut on the bias, it won’t fray 💕
#mending #mendingmatters #mendingisanticapitalist #makedoandmend
Just hanging out, destroying my eyes with this picky little mend on a cashmere sweater late at night with inadequate light. #makedoandmend #mendingmatters #mending
#makedoandmend #mendingmatters #mending