This #MendingMonday I finished mending the moth holes in my sweater vest #knitting WIP. Now I can start on solving its WIP problem!
#mendingmonday #knitting #fallfinishalong
Tonight was a twofer. For #MendingMonday I worked on a ten-year-old WIP. I was mending (mostly with duplicate stitch) moth holes in a mostly-complete sweater vest. I mended about half the holes tonight.
#mendingmonday #fallfinishalong #knitting
I’ve been letting needed repairs pile up a bit, but today I finally got one heel darned. Now for the other one.
Grosse déchirure sur un short, le tissus s'est usé, percé et la personne a continué de le mettre donc ça s'est agrandi.
Si vous avez des vêtements qui se fragilisent il y a des méthodes pour les renforcer avant que ça pète et que ce soit plus difficile a raccommoder.
(si un # similaire existe en français je prends, j'ai testé raccomardi, mais on viens de l'inventer ^^')
It is amazing to have today off after the festival and traveling & being so so tired yesterday!
I did some laundry, unloaded+loaded dishwasher, went fruit & veg shopping, washed some "new potatoes" for dinner later & just finished mending my jeans. I've mended them before but they ripped adjacent to previous mends. Just a quick patch from the inside, zigzagged over the rip & topstitched over a few times!
#MendingMonday #Mending #MendingClothes #RepairingClothes #MendingJeans
#mendingjeans #repairingclothes #mendingclothes #mending #mendingmonday
For #MendingMonday I fixed my favorite fine-gauge summer cardigan. It had a blown underarm seam and three long runs where stitches had unraveled. Had to use one of my tiniest steel crochet hooks to pick up the ladders, but now it's secured and back in good order.
Actual #mending has taken a back seat to other things these last few weeks. But I have done a lot of research on mending, upcycling, and the like. Right now I'm collecting ideas for things to do with old jersey shirts, since my family wears (and wears out) more of them than anything else.
One thing I like the sound of is making tote bags out of them. Husband suggested lining them, which leads me to the idea of making two old, loved tees into one double-thickness tote bag.
So yesterday I took #MendingMonday off for May Day. But today I made up for it by mending three holes in my kid's favorite beanie, and there was great rejoicing.
#mendingmonday #knitting #mending
Today for #MendingMonday I continued working on my husband's favorite denim work shirt. Stabilized two holes with embroidery, put in structural support for a jagged hole, and undid part of the collar to get at a worn spot with a hole. Incremental work.
I don't now how long it's going to take me to get this shirt beaten into shape. There will, however, be a grand sense of achievement afterward.
Yesterday an event occurred with a major impact on my #MendingMonday: my kid took away a whole bag of holey knee sox with a specific plan to upcycle them. I feel liberated to focus on less fiddly #mending, at least for now.
Today I spent my #MendingMonday energy working on unraveling parts of a large, somewhat felted sock hole in order to get a neat rectangle so I can #mend it properly. I so want to learn a wide variety of #knitting mends!
I was glad to find this sock in the heap; I thought it had vanished, but I found both it and its intact mate. Once I get it mended, I'll have a nice functional pair of hand-knitted wool socks in a favorite colorway.
#mendingmonday #mend #knitting
Holiday preparations have taken up most of my time lately, but I did manage to get a little more work done on the sashiko #mending project for #MendingMonday.
Happy #MendingMonday!
This is an in-progress photo of my first-ever attempt at sashiko. This is a knee repair over a very thin area. I've completed the first pass of lines for the asanoha pattern; now it needs the lines for the second pass.
The red stuff is from a chalk pencil, which works much better (in my experience) than those purple fabric marking pens. For worn denim, red is a better choice than white although I didn't believe my husband when he first said that.