Meng Wanzhou: Verfahren gegen Finanzchefin von Huawei endgültig eingestellt
Ein Jahr, nachdem Meng Wanzhou die Vorwürfe aus den USA teilweise eingestanden hat und im Gegenzug ausreisen durfte, ist die Angelegenheit nun beendet.
#China #Huawei #MengWanzhou #Netzwerktechnik #Smartphone #USSanktionen #News
#china #huawei #mengwanzhou #netzwerktechnik #smartphone #ussanktionen #news
RT @TheFallingStar
#MengWanZhou used the Hong Kong passport to leave Vancouver
Finally back home! #Huawei CFO #MengWanzhou returns to China after nearly three years of detention in Canada.
Finally back home! #Huawei CFO #MengWanzhou returns to China after nearly three years of detention in Canada.
Huawei’s Meng Wanzhou expected to resolve U.S. charges | Globalnews #MengWanzhou #Crime #Extradition #Huawei #cdnpoli
#mengwanzhou #crime #extradition #huawei #cdnpoli
@irrelephant The argument of #DianeFrancis that the #CanSino deal was a major blocker for Canadian #vaccine acquisition is rather cut to pieces; the government had lots of irons in the fire in Summer 2020.
OTOH, the #CanSino vaccine story is still interesting, since AIUI the #PRC gave it to their army in the Fall; perhaps it would have been ready for Canadians in early 2021. And the claim that Beijing tried to use it as leverage in the #MengWanzhou affair is important if true.
#mengwanzhou #prc #vaccine #cansino #DianeFrancis
"This for that" nach Art von #China: Für #Hausarrest gegen #Huawei-CFO #MengWanzhou auf Ersuchen der USA gibt's #Todesurteile für Kanadier wegen Drogenhandel. Kein bisschen überzogen und fern von jeder Willkür, nicht wahr? Mit #China sollte man nicht geschäften. Nach China sollte man nicht reisen. #Menschenrechte #AmnestyInternational
#china #hausarrest #huawei #mengwanzhou #todesurteile #menschenrechte #amnestyinternational
When a totalitarian shit state wants to intimidate a democracy by arbitrarily arresting its citizens, it has to be creative when coming up with reasons for the arrests. Stay classy, #China. Avoid that dystopian nightmare whenever possible - not only if you're from #Canada. The true reasons are #MengWanzhou and #Huawei.
#china #canada #mengwanzhou #huawei
An exec of a state-aligned corporation from #China arguing with #humanrights, the #constitution and the #ruleofLaw to sue #Canada: That is pretty rich, indeed. #MengWanzhou #Huawei
#china #humanrights #constitution #ruleoflaw #canada #mengwanzhou #huawei
ANALISI CRITICA DEI FATTI ECONOMICI DELLA SETTIMANA CON ANDREA FUMAGALLI #9%èarischiopovertà #HuaweiTechnologies #MengWanzhou #fumagalli #Economia #News #28
#huaweitechnologies #mengwanzhou #fumagalli #economia #news