Le menhir de la Thiemblais just outside the town of St-Samson-sur-Rance in Ille-et-Villaine in Brittany. It has relief carvings all over it, although they’re quite difficult to see except in certain lights. In my fourth picture, you can just make out a carving of a looped cross. It’s a very impressive stone weighing around 150 tonnes and at around 8 metres in length—despite the 45 degree angle!
#Menhir #StandingStone #Neolithic #Prehistoric #Archaeology #MegalithicBrittany
#megalithicbrittany #archaeology #prehistoric #neolithic #standingstone #menhir #standingstonesunday
5,500-year-old Menhir discovered in Portugal - ArkeoNews https://arkeonews.net/5500-year-old-menhir-discovered-in-portugal/ #neolithic #megalithic #menhir
#neolithic #megalithic #menhir
More photos of the newly erected Carn Brea #menhir along with what look to be the three pieces of the old stone in the hedge - more on our page #StandingStoneSunday Photos by stalwart member Bladup, more here: https://www.megalithic.co.uk/article.php?sid=6061 #cornwall #standingstones #megalith #megalithic
#menhir #StandingStoneSunday #cornwall #standingstones #megalith #megalithic
5,32m long fallen cup-marked menhir discovered in northern Portugal : Menir de Fontelo [pdf 14pp english/portuguese] https://www.academia.edu/84283059/Menir_de_Fontelo_Armamar_Viseu_Primeira_notícia #menhir #megalithic #neolithic #RockArt
#menhir #megalithic #neolithic #rockart
Avant hier nous avons été faire le tour de l'étang du Korong, en Glomel, et nous nous sommes arrêtés voir le menhir de Glomel.
Un beau bébé de 8,60 mètres. Dommage qu'il soit derrière une barrière, empêchant d'en apprécier la forme globale.
#cotesdarmor #bretagne #menhir #megalith #megalithes
#StandingStoneSunday Bennett's Cross on the NE of Dartmoor. It may have been a menhir originally, which was later repurposed as a cross.
#BennettsCross #Dartmoor #Devon #Cross #Menhir #Photography #BlackAndWhite #BWPhotography #LandscapePhotography
#StandingStoneSunday #bennettscross #dartmoor #devon #cross #menhir #photography #blackandwhite #bwphotography #landscapephotography
#menhir #megalithic #bretagne #brittany #carnac #standingstone
I am furious since I read about
this in the French Press - centralised France always talking about their sacred "patrimoine" and Carnac living from tourists interested in megalithic culture but somehow the unsurveyed mayor's office was more interested in destroying their past:
French Archaeologists Decry the Loss of 7,000-Year-Old Standing Stones on a Site That Was ‘Destroyed’ to Make Way for a DIY Store
#menhir #megalithic #bretagne #brittany #carnac #standingstone
Madame #Bricolage, la Déprésidente de l'Assemblée Nationale vient de construire un nouveau barrage à la démocratie sur les vestiges d'une ancienne République. #Menhir #BraunPivet #Retraites
#retraites #braunpivet #menhir #bricolage
#menhir #destruction #mrbricolage
C'est insupportable, sur tous les niveaux le #profit, le profit, le profit - même dans une zone où on vit du tourisme (mégalithique). J'espère que le magasin va être boycotté!
#Carnac : ce que l’on sait de la destruction de menhirs pour construire un Mr Bricolage
#menhir #destruction #mrbricolage #profit #carnac
Obélix serait-il passé par là ? Commande publique à un artiste maudit, amateur de WordArt ? 🤔
❗ Aucune borne lisière entre l’Ardèche et la Drôme (07/26), de même qu’avec l’Isère (07/38)… 😪
#Ardèche #Gard #Occitanie #AuvergneRhoneAlpes #Vivarais #Languedoc #Menhir #LisièresDépartementales (07/30)
#ardeche #gard #occitanie #auvergnerhonealpes #vivarais #languedoc #menhir #lisieresdepartementales
Man erwartet jeden Moment, einem behelmten, leicht adipösen Streifenhosen-Träger zu begegnen. #menhir #alignements #breizh
"Restons fidèles et solides, comme des menhirs, que le pouvoir du temps ne peut anéantir."
Isabelle Sarter-Tisne
#photographie #foret #forest #menhir #loireatlantique #nature
#nature #loireatlantique #menhir #forest #foret #photographie
Neolithic Hunting Shrine, Jibal al-Khashabiyeh, Jordan, among Archaeology Magazine's top 10 discoveries of 2022 https://www.archaeology.org/issues/495-features/top10/11031-jordan-neolithic-hunting-shrine #neolithic #megalithic #menhir
#neolithic #megalithic #menhir
What timing for #StandingStoneSunday! Spotted this gem on a tour and winetasting visit to a #winery in #Portugal yesterday.
This #menhir was discovered in the vineyard of Adega José de Sousa in #Alentejo. It is believed to be 6-8 thousand years old. You can still see markings on the side that was buried in the dirt and protected from erosion. The circles of different sizes and thought to be a celestial map or a census of local populations at the time.
#standingstonesunday #winery #portugal #menhir #alentejo #travel #travelblogger