@Ziagrrrl Thanks for writing this. I suffer from #MenieresDisease, a type of vertigo. I frequently have to deal with those physical symptoms (although thankfully not the 'Alice in Wonderland' effects. I don't think people realise just how debilitating it can be, your article covered that extremely well.
For the first time in months my Ménière's disease is back with a vengeance this afternoon. It’s been creeping up on me for about a week now, but since I’ve learnt to manage it now, it hasn’t really gotten bad for over a year. Today though it just wanted to show itself big time and remind me that it’s in charge.
So it’s early to bed and hope it settles tomorrow, as I’ve some busy days in the garden ahead getting it ready for my youngests graduation party on Thursday.
The #vertigo is easing, but my #tinnitus is obnoxiously loud this morning. Sounds like a hairdryer… #MenieresDisease
#vertigo #tinnitus #menieresdisease
A reflection: I’m the wrong side of the frustrations I’m going to accumulate, so I can’t fully appreciate what not driving will do to my life; I’m yet to fall and do myself harm; I’m yet to pause before doing something, fearful that an unannounced #DropAttack may derail my plans entirely.
Instead, I feel hope.
I’m going to beat #MenieresDisease, and I’ll be so much more than it’s stolen from me; because it’s forced me to consider who I am, and find value in my foundations.
I earned a new Meniere’s merit badge today: First Drop Attack! 🙌
I was half way down the stairs when it happens, fell into the wall, and managed to get to the bottom without harming myself. For the minority of sufferers that experience them, they often manifest in the later stages. So on the upside, I may be close to being through this thing; the downside is that I can’t now drive for a while.
#MenieresDisease #VestibularDysfunction #DropAttack #ChronicIllness
#menieresdisease #vestibulardysfunction #dropattack #chronicillness
Cada 7 de febrero se celebra el día mundial del síndrome de Ménière, para dar a conocer esta enfermedad tan incapacitante del oido.
#enfermedadesraras #meniere #menieresdisease #ménière #ménières #ménières #discapacidad #discapacidadauditiva #disability #disabilities #disca #gentetitanica #Somosdisca #visibilidad #mareos #síndromedeménière #sindromedemeniere #enfermedaddemeniere #Salud
#enfermedadesraras #meniere #menieresdisease #menieres #discapacidad #discapacidadauditiva #disability #disabilities #disca #gentetitanica #somosdisca #visibilidad #mareos #sindromedemeniere #enfermedaddemeniere #salud
I'm searching for more info and people with experience of meniere's disease.
Wondering if my fellow #hachyderm citizens (or anyone) has suggestions other than following #neurodivergent (as it doesn't seem an exact intersection).
Also #menieres and #menieresdisease doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic.
Ya know, asking for a friend.
#hachyderm #neurodivergent #menieres #menieresdisease
For those who have #menieres how does it affect you from day to day? Does it cause anxiety often? What helps you? I was diagnosed with it a few years ago, and it seems right now I’m having a major flare up. #menieresdisease #vestibular #vertigo
#menieres #menieresdisease #vestibular #vertigo
My good old #Menieresdisease is being particularly nasty to me today. It's not gone full throttle. It's just messing my head up just enough to make everything take twice as long. And I'm now exhausted.
I live with a chronic condition called #MenieresDisease.
It’s an I’ll-understood condition, but the layperson’s explanation is that the balance organ in my left ear is dying. In the last ~7 years, I’ve gone #deaf on that side, manage some level of #vertigo daily, and live with a commensurate amount of #ChronicFatigue and brain fog. It’s also invisible.
I don’t look ill or disabled, but I’m both.
Today has been rough.
#menieresdisease #deaf #vertigo #chronicfatigue
I live with a chronic condition called #MenieresDisease.
It’s an ill-understood condition, but the layperson’s explanation is that the balance organ in my left ear is dying. In the last ~7 years, I’ve gone #deaf on that side, manage some level of #vertigo daily, and live with a commensurate amount of #ChronicFatigue and brain fog. It’s also invisible.
I don’t look ill or disabled, but I’m both.
Today has been rough.
#menieresdisease #deaf #vertigo #chronicfatigue
#Intro (Part 2). I'm #autistic and hard of hearing. I battle #trigeminalneuralgia, #HidradenitisSuppurativa, #MénièresDisease, #rheumatoidarthritis, #CPTSD, #EDS, and #erythromelalgia. I'm a multiple #TBI and #sepsis Survivor. Despite my agony, my urge to photograph, study, and narrate the world around me continues to be my driving force.
I love #StarTrek, #Physics, #Botany, #Cosmology, #astrophysics, #Reading, and hot baths.
Here's where I sell my fine art:
#intro #autistic #trigeminalneuralgia #hidradenitissuppurativa #menieresdisease #rheumatoidarthritis #cptsd #eds #erythromelalgia #tbi #sepsis #startrek #physics #botany #cosmology #astrophysics #Reading