Cathie LeBlanc · @cathieleblanc
195 followers · 194 posts · Server

Day 1608 The California Nebula is a large, faint nebula in the constellation. It is about 1000 light years away. Its fluorescence comes from the hydrogen beta gas being energized by O7 star which is the bright blue star in this image. I salvaged about 3.5 hours of exposure from a few nights ago when I forgot to turn my dew heater on. This explains why I wasn't able to get much detail in the nebula itself.

#dailyphoto #skywatch #astrophotography #perseus #menkib #stilllearning

Last updated 1 year ago

Sergio Díaz · @expanding_astro
2 followers · 130 posts · Server

Molecular clouds everywhere in the constellation.
Down the center, the nebula , crossed by the dark nebula . stands out at the lower right, somewhat asking for more attention with longer focal lengths. But the most prominent and obvious object in the field is of course , the California Nebula, a celestial brushstroke of hydrogen ionized by the giant O7 star , ξ Per

#perseus #lbn749 #B3 #ngc1333 #ngc1499 #menkib

Last updated 2 years ago