My photos from Menorca as promised. There may be more to come.
Can’t wait to give my family the opportunity to see this place.
🏝️ Descubre el encanto mediterráneo de MahĂłn, la joya de Menorca.🌅🏰 Explora su rica historia, disfruta de su deliciosa gastronomĂa y enamĂłrate de sus playas cristalinas.🍽️🏖️ ¡Te llevamos de viaje a travĂ©s de nuestro blog! #Mahon #Menorca #Viajes #GastronomĂa #Playas #Turismo
#mahon #menorca #viajes #gastronomia #playas #turismo
El batlle del PP del Castell fa el ridĂcul intentant de negar la unitat de la llengua #Menorca #Illes
Blauer Himmel, Sandstrände, das Meer und dazu vielleicht eine inspirierende Ausstellung? In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich daraus ein richtiger Trend entwickelt. Immer mehr Galerien eröffnen Außenstellen in beliebten Urlaubszielen und das häufig auf dem Land.
#HauserUndWirth #Hydra #Kunstluxus #Menorca #MonopolPodcast #Resort #KunstUndLebenDerMonopolPodcast
#hauserundwirth #hydra #kunstluxus #menorca #monopolpodcast #resort #kunstundlebendermonopolpodcast
De Fort de l’Eau (i Alaior) fins a la televisió: rere els passos de Marthe Villalonga #pieds-noirs #Comacasa #Algèria #Menorca #Àfrica
#pieds #Comacasa #algeria #menorca #africa
De Menorca només en quedarà el Crist del Toro #MailObert #Menorca
La gran transformació energètica feta en #cooperativa amb @somenergia. 57 compres col·lectives (2 a #Menorca, 1 a #Mallorca i 1 a les #Pitiüses), 3.000 instal·lacions en marxa (i creixent) i 12,6 GWh d'energia #renovable ja en #producció (i creixent).
Moltes persones i entitats juntes tenim molta més força per canviar el model energètic. En cooperativa, anam a poc a poc per arribar més lluny.
#cooperativa #menorca #mallorca #pitiuses #renovable #produccio #energia #energiasolar #fotovoltaica #illesbalears
Amb el 29,15% escrutat, el Consell Insular de #Menorca podria estar en mans de PP+Vox. Canvi important ja confirmat també al parlament de les #IllesBalears.
El Consell Insular de #Menorca amb un resultat encara molt provisional (17,28%) podria mantenir un govern d'esquerres, però Vox obté representació. Si Podemos no manté el 5%, les dretes sumarien majoria. A veure com acaba.
Calling on all #photographers….
What’s your advice when taken your #camera abroad?
In a month I’m heading on holiday to #Menorca and while I’ll just be chilling I’ve managed to convince my partner to spend a day at the island’s #nature reserve. Would you advise taking my new camera (Lumix G9)? It is insured but how is it best to travel with expensive gear? Should I play it safe and just take the FZ330?
Any advice welcome and thanks in advance!!
#photography #wildlifephotography #advice #macrophotography #travel #travelphotography
#photographers #camera #menorca #nature #photography #wildlifephotography #advice #macrophotography #travel #travelphotography
Més per Menorca reuneix en l’acte central de campanya dues centes persones #Menorca #Illes
3000 Jahre alter direkter Nachweis von Drogenkonsum in Europa
#ephedrin #atropin #scopolamin #menorca #legalisierung
Dezeen : Emma MartĂ celebrates Menorca's architectural heritage in Hevresac Hotel #Boutiquehotels #Adaptivereuse #Renovations #Interiors #Menorca #Hotels #Spain #all
#boutiquehotels #adaptivereuse #renovations #interiors #menorca #hotels #spain #all
Direct evidence of the use of multiple drugs in Bronze Age Menorca (Western Mediterranean) from human hair analysis #BronzeAge #Menorca #ForensicToxicology #datura #mandragora
#bronzeage #menorca #forensictoxicology #datura #mandragora
Hallucinogen use
From ancient times still mystifies
Menorca bodies
#menorca #Hallucinogen #bronzeage #spain #haiku #poetry
"Bronze-age people took hallucinogenic drugs in Menorca, study reveals"
"Researchers have found evidence of drug use during bronze age ceremonies.
Analysis of strands of human hair from a burial site in #menorca Spain, indicates ancient human civilisations used hallucinogenic drugs derived from plants.
The findings are the first direct evidence of ancient drug use in Europe, which may have been used as part of ritualistic ceremonies, researchers say."
"Researchers detected scopolamine, ephedrine and atropine in three replicated hair samples. Atropine and scopolamine are naturally found in the nightshade plant family and can induce delirium, hallucinations and altered sensory perception. Ephedrine is a stimulant derived from certain species of shrubs and pines that can increase excitement, alertness and physical activity." #Menorca
Christoph #Daum hatte vor 3.000 Jahren einen Vorfahren auf #Menorca.
Un mechón de pelo revela cómo los antiguos habitantes de Menorca tomaban drogas hace 3.000 años -