Exotic Adventures of Robert Silverberg is a collection of fiction and non-fiction written by Robert Silverberg in the late 1950s (before he became one of the grandmasters of sci-fi) for men's adventure magazine Exotic Adventures. Kinda fun.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2023/06/exotic-adventures-of-robert-silverberg.html
#mensadventure #pulpfiction #robertsilverberg
Excited to start the Killmaster series. "The American James Bond" #paperbacks #reading #mensadventure #spynovel #bookstodon #espionage it's amazing how much free time you have when you stop watching the TV and free your mind of all the garbage!
#paperbacks #reading #mensadventure #SpyNovel #espionage #bookstodon
Reading the 3rd installment of the Rat Bastard's! If you enjoy men's adventure fiction and haven't read any of these you're missing out! #vintagepaperbacks #mensadventure #books
#vintagepaperbacks #mensadventure #books