Not eavesdropping but the guy at the table next to me on the phone is telling his mate how he’s worried about another one of their friends because they didn’t seem themselves and offered to take them out to do something on the weekend.
That is mateship. That is looking after your friends mental health.
This is what we all should be doing.
We need to talk more about mental health. Talk to yourself, talk to those you trust, talk to professionals. Whatever it takes.
#MentalHealth #FriendsSupportingFriends #mateship #MensMentalHealth
#mentalhealth #friendssupportingfriends #mateship #mensmentalhealth
Son wanted a dog. I did not. Wife convinced me to allow a dog.
Over the past couple of years that dog - a bernedoodle named Stella - and I have bonded.
To be honest - if it wasn't for her I might have done myself in this past year. She's often the only one I can talk to about things.
Not to say everything is perfect in my life now but Stella has been the perfect dog in my life.
#mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth
To make navigation a little easier for people new to my profile, I would like to briefly #introduce myself:
I'm Erik, a cis gay man and #newhere from Twitter.
Topics like #music #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth #queerrights #series #films are particularly important to me.
So much for my #introduction, feel free to contact me if something is burning under your nails 😊
#introduction #films #series #queerrights #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealth #music #newhere #introduce
Um neuen Menschlein die Navigation ein wenig leichter zu machen stelle ich mich auch mal kurz vor:
Ich bin Erik, ein schwuler cis-Mann und #neuhier von Twitter.
Mir liegen vor allem Themen wie #Musik #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth #queerrights #serien #filme am Herzen.
So viel zu meiner #introduction kommt gern auf mich zu falls euch etwas unter den Nägeln brennt 😊
English Version below
#introduction #filme #serien #queerrights #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealth #musik #neuhier
Last night I wrote about Haribo. Today I write about #corners. You really never know where that wonder team of thoughts and fingers will lead you. My advice: just let them wander #mentalhealth #MentalHealthMatters #mensmentalhealth #MentalHealthAwareness #poetrycommunity #poetry #poem #mentalhealth
#corners #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #poetrycommunity #poetry #poem
It's #MensMentalHealth Awareness Month! Shed light on the unique challenges men face regarding their mental health. From societal expectations to stigmas around seeking help, it's crucial to support. Visit SF Public Health's mental health services:
#PublicHealth #MentalHealth
#mensmentalhealth #publichealth #mentalhealth
Recommending to a client. 🤞 it opens the door to some insight & improved engagement. It's always fascinating the different levels of persona presented by clients. Progress halts if they're too attached to their persona, & highly protective of the ego. I'd prefer we get there w/out another round of court ordered therapy. But as this author says, sometimes nice guys aren't so nice & see themselves as the victim even when facing criminal charges.
#therapy #mensmentalhealth
Presley Lewis
Friday and my #New #YouTube #video is up 😊A #recording of my Amazing #interview with #Award winning @paulstanleydj for @BHBNRadio grab a #coffee ☕️ and have a listen it will put a smile on your face my friends 😊 #Radio #NewMusic #mensmentalhealth
#popmusic #popmusician #popstar #popstars #tagstagram #tagstagramers #starpop #pop #tagsta #popartist #poppunk #popculture #tagsta_music #poprock #popsinger #popband #popsingers #popbands #poprockband
#new #youtube #video #recording #interview #award #coffee #radio #newmusic #mensmentalhealth #popmusic #popmusician #popstar #popstars #tagstagram #tagstagramers #starpop #pop #tagsta #PopArtist #poppunk #popculture #tagsta_music #poprock #popsinger #popband #popsingers #popbands #poprockband
At work - and just like every morning there's a lady in another department having a conversation and laughing hysterically.
I mean a deep, loud cackling laugh you might hear over a cauldron being stirred.
It resonates down the hall. It pierces the soul and the psyche.
I don't know who you are Cackle Laugh Lady - but don't ever stop! I love hearing your genuine laughter. It is - with no sarcasm - a high point of my morning. :blobfoxlaugh:
#mentalheathawareness #mensmentalhealth Much needed and practical book.
#mensmentalhealth #mentalheathawareness
How is it that there are people out there who have problems much worse than I do - and much more reason to end it all - yet they have such a strong desire to keep on living?
At first it makes me feel like "my problems aren't that big of a deal" - which is what I'm sure some people would tell me if they ever talked to me.
But then I think - Wait a minute. My problems are real, too. Just because they want to keep on going doesn't mean I have to!
#problems #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealth
#Manosphere #Masculinity #Sexism #CyberBullying #RapeCulture #Woman #Girls #GirlChild #GenderEquality #Femicide #SocialMedia #Religion #Men #mensmentalhealth #menstruation #Stalking #GBV #DOMESTICVIOLENCE #Internet #Africa #America #Blackmen #blackmastodon
#manosphere #masculinity #sexism #cyberbullying #rapeculture #woman #girls #girlchild #genderequality #femicide #socialmedia #religion #men #mensmentalhealth #menstruation #stalking #GBV #DomesticViolence #internet #Africa #america #blackmen #blackmastodon
This episode reminds me of a client I'm working w/ who has some complicated grief and suppressed anger.
I agree whe she said men are conditioned to operate side by side & not face to face... & how therapy can be challenging if they've never shared their emotions or experienced vulnerable & emotional intimacy before. It's transformative when they're able to use the confidentiality & safe space to do so.
#MensMentalHealth #podcast #therapy #grief #heartbreak #digital
#mensmentalhealth #podcast #therapy #grief #heartbreak #digital
RT @WalkAndTalkMMH: Tonight’s @FulhamFC vs @LUFC programme tonight #mensmentalhealth #Fulham To @pnefc bike ride! #SaveTheMale @HHTFC https…
#mensmentalhealth #fulham #savethemale
I'm fat! There. I said it now for the millionth time. Fat shame me? I'm ok with it. I hate being fat. I know it's not healthy, not attractive and not good for my mental health. I stress eat and have the health complications to show for it. Yes, I got myself there and I need to fix it.
Note - this is my personal feeling. Some people embrace their fat and I'm happy for them. I don't agree but it's their life.
#fat #fatacceptance #gettinghealthy #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth
#fat #fatacceptance #gettinghealthy #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth