"...Women’s time would be spent on unpaid labor, and women have enough unpaid labor.”
Are DIY menstrual pads an unsustainable trend? Social businesses like AFRIPads say they're seeing an increase in donors wanting to invest in projects where girls and women make reusable sanitary pads. But it's not necessary helping things.
By me from #Uganda for Devex
#SRHR #menstruation #MHM #menstruationtrualhygienemanagement
#uganda #srhr #menstruation #mhm #menstruationtrualhygienemanagement
A story that made global headlines … about periods
by me for OZY
#periods #menstruationtrualhygienemanagement #menstruation #MHM #Kenya #Africa
#periods #menstruationtrualhygienemanagement #menstruation #mhm #kenya #africa