So the Australian Men's Shed Association is sponsored by the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association. #MentalHealthWashing
For Schools Tree day 2022 men's shedders felt really good about themselves after planting trees with the kiddies then firing up the APPEA funded BBQ for a sizzle.
You could make this up but your editor would tell you it's a bit heavy-handed.
#FossilAdBan #FossilFuelSponsorship #MensMentalHealth #MensShed
#mentalHealthWashing #fossiladban #FossilFuelSponsorship #mensmentalhealth #mensshed
We have had to start using the term #mentalHealthWashing.
Mainstream corporate outlets are awash with it. Everything is #MH today. The problem is the system but they are trying to #gaslight us into #internalising the #economic collapse, and weirdly at the same time blaming Russia and #China.
Funny how it skips right over the #BigTech giants, and #neoliberal corporatists.
#mentalHealthWashing #mh #gaslight #internalising #economic #china #bigtech #neoliberal