Penny Tangey · @PennyTangey
202 followers · 100 posts · Server

So the Australian Men's Shed Association is sponsored by the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association.

For Schools Tree day 2022 men's shedders felt really good about themselves after planting trees with the kiddies then firing up the APPEA funded BBQ for a sizzle.

You could make this up but your editor would tell you it's a bit heavy-handed.

#mentalHealthWashing #fossiladban #FossilFuelSponsorship #mensmentalhealth #mensshed

Last updated 2 years ago
We have had to start using the term .

Mainstream corporate outlets are awash with it. Everything is today. The problem is the system but they are trying to us into the collapse, and weirdly at the same time blaming Russia and .

Funny how it skips right over the giants, and corporatists.

#mentalHealthWashing #mh #gaslight #internalising #economic #china #bigtech #neoliberal

Last updated 3 years ago