#ColinMcGinn - How Can #FreeWill Work?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfFreeWill #PhilosophyOfMind #Randomness #Determinism #Compatibilism #Blame #Responsibility #Morality #MentalCausation #Causation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #causation #mentalcausation #morality #responsibility #blame #Compatibilism #determinism #randomness #philosophyofmind #philosophyoffreewill #philosophyofscience #philosophy #freewill #colinmcginn
Thoughts on mental causation & the mind-body problem:
If you want to make mental properties causally relevant, such that our intentional states (beliefs, desires, etc.) matter to the structuring our behavior in the here and now, the most compelling argument for that position is the dual explanandum theory offered by Dretske: physical and the mental properties are causally responsible for DIFFERENT effects.
#SimonBlackburn - What is #Causation ?
#Philosophy #Hume #DavidHume #LawsOfPhysics #LawsOfNature #Regularities #PatternsOfRegularities #Induction #InductiveExperience #BottomUpCausation #MentalCausation #Consciousness #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #consciousness #mentalcausation #bottomupcausation #inductiveexperience #induction #patternsofregularities #regularities #lawsofnature #lawsofphysics #davidhume #hume #philosophy #causation #SimonBlackburn
re-#introduction (just moved from m.online to zirk.us). #philosophy professor, #metaphysics, #philosophyOfMind #freeWill #properties #mentalCausation. #swimming #sourdough #brooklyn #parkSlopeFoodCoop. #greek (ancient/Attic) philosophy and history generally.
#introduction #philosophy #metaphysics #philosophyofmind #freewill #properties #mentalcausation #swimming #sourdough #brooklyn #parkslopefoodcoop #greek