Global News BC: Mounties can’t ‘be blamed’ in case where Kelowna woman’s arm broken: Police watchdog #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #IndependentInvestigationsOffice #B.C.'sPoliceWatchdog #RonaldJ.MacDonald #woman'sarmbroken #MentalHealthAct #KelownaRCMP #Kelowna #Health #IIO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #IndependentInvestigationsOffice #b #ronaldj #woman #mentalhealthact #KelownaRCMP #kelowna #health #IIO
A 38-year-old Australian woman who had been battling depression for 26 years became the first to undergo a psychiatric operation in Mumbai-and perhaps in India-since the Mental Healthcare Act was passed in 2017.
#India #Mumbai #MentalHealthAct
#india #mumbai #mentalhealthact
Care or punishment? Black service users’ experiences of inpatient mental health care under detention
Ian Cummins summarises findings from a recent qualitative study by Solanki et al. (2023), which explores the experiences of individuals from Black Ethnic backgrounds detained under the Mental Health Act (1983).
#Racism #Inequalities #Discrimination #InpatientCare #Detention #Sectioning #Restraint #MentalHealthAct #Qualitative #MentalHealthServices #BlackMentalHealth
#racism #inequalities #discrimination #inpatientcare #detention #sectioning #restraint #mentalhealthact #qualitative #mentalhealthservices #blackmentalhealth
Global News BC: Man accused of killing UBC Okanagan security guard will stand trial #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DanteOgnibene-Hebbourntrial #DanteOgnibene-Hebbourn #UBCOsecurityguarddeath #SecondDegreeMurder #MentalHealthAct #HarmandeepKaur #UBC-Okanagan #TrialDate #Kelowna #Crime #UBCO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #danteognibene #ubcosecurityguarddeath #SecondDegreeMurder #mentalhealthact #harmandeepkaur #ubc #trialdate #kelowna #crime #ubco
Global News BC: Man accused of UBC Okanagan security guard killing ordered to stand trial #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UBCOkanagansecurityguardslain #DanteOgnibene-Hebbourn #MentalHealthAct #okanagancollege #murderedwoman #UBC-Okanagan #MurderTrial #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ubcokanagansecurityguardslain #danteognibene #mentalhealthact #okanagancollege #murderedwoman #ubc #murdertrial #crime
Global News BC: Accused killer of UBC Okanagan security guard preliminary hearing begins #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UBCOkanagansecurityguardkilled #DanteOgnibene-Hebbourn #SecondDegreeMurder #MentalHealthAct #okanagancollege #HarmandeepKaur #UBC-Okanagan #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ubcokanagansecurityguardkilled #danteognibene #SecondDegreeMurder #mentalhealthact #okanagancollege #harmandeepkaur #ubc #crime
The Tyee: A Better Future Is Possible for the Downtown Eastside (in Analysis) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #NativeWomen’sAssociationofCanada #VancouverAreaNetworkofDrugUsers #Insitesupervised-injectionsite #RayCamCo-operativeCentre #BCCentreforSubstanceUse #DrugUserLiberationFront #DowntownEastside(DTES) #B.C.MinistryofHousing #DTESgentrification #VancouverAgreement #PremierDavidEby #MentalHealthAct #MayorKenSim
#BCNews #TheTyee #nativewomen #VancouverAreaNetworkofDrugUsers #insitesupervised #raycamco #bccentreforsubstanceuse #druguserliberationfront #DowntownEastside #b #dtesgentrification #vancouveragreement #PremierDavidEby #mentalhealthact #mayorkensim
Global News BC: RCMP fire shots at rampaging rock truck in Smithers, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #smitherstruckrampage #smithersrocktruck #dumptruckrampage #policeshotsfired #rocktruckrampage #MentalHealthAct #RCMPshotsfired #SmithersRCMP #DumpTruck #Smithers #Crime #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #smitherstruckrampage #smithersrocktruck #dumptruckrampage #policeshotsfired #rocktruckrampage #mentalhealthact #rcmpshotsfired #smithersrcmp #dumptruck #smithers #crime #RCMP
Global News BC: B.C. Liberal private members’ bill aims to bolster hospitals’ suicide prevention tools #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #privatemembersbill #SuicidePrevention #MentalHealthAct #ElenoreSturko #MentalHealth #BCLiberals #BCpolitics #NicoleChan #politics #toddmarr #Suicide #Health #bcpoli #BCNDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #privatemembersbill #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealthact #elenoresturko #mentalhealth #BCLiberals #BCpolitics #nicolechan #politics #toddmarr #suicide #health #bcpoli #bcndp
Global News BC: BC Liberal MLA to pitch bill updating mental health law after VPD officer’s suicide #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MentalHealthCrisis #privatemembersbill #SuicidePrevention #MentalHealthAct #ElenoreSturko #PoliceSuicide #MentalHealth #BCLiberals #NicoleChan #Suicide #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mentalhealthcrisis #privatemembersbill #SuicidePrevention #mentalhealthact #elenoresturko #policesuicide #mentalhealth #BCLiberals #nicolechan #suicide #health
Good morning & happy #Thursday #Warriors!! ❤️🌟🫂🦄
#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #ADHD #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent #MentalHealthUK #MentalHealthAct #SelfCare #Healing #RecoveryPosse
#thursday #warriors #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #adhd #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #MentalHealthUK #mentalhealthact #SelfCare #healing #recoveryposse
#MentalHealthAct #MentalHealth #SocialJustice
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step toward change
Reform of the act is one just step toward systemic change...
More diverse data is needed to advance equity in mental health
Co-production and involvement needs to be more visible
#mentalhealthact #mentalhealth #SocialJustice
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step toward change #MentalHealthAct #MentalHealth #SocialJustice
Reform of the act is one just step toward systemic change...
More diverse data is needed to advance equity in mental health
Co-production and involvement needs to be more visible
#mentalhealthact #mentalhealth #SocialJustice
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. I’m #schizoaffective and my journeys through the system haven’t always been easy. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step toward change #MentalHealthAct #MentalHealth
#schizoaffective #mentalhealthact #mentalhealth
“There is no other illness where doctors have to wait for a patient to deteriorate to a life-threatening state before treatment can be initiated” #MentalHealthAct Psychiatrists oppose planned changes to involuntary detention
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. I’m #schizoaffective and my journeys through the system haven’t always been easy. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step toward change #MentalHealthAct #MentalHealth
#schizoaffective #mentalhealthact #mentalhealth
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. I’m #schizoaffective and my journeys through the system haven’t always been easy. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step toward change #MentalHealthAct #MentalHealth
#schizoaffective #mentalhealthact #mentalhealth
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. I’m #schizoaffective and my journeys through the system haven’t always been easy. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step toward change
#MentalHealthAct #MentalHealth
#schizoaffective #mentalhealthact #mentalhealth
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. I’m #schizoaffective and my journeys through the system haven’t always been easy. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step towards addressing change
#schizoaffective #mentalhealthact #mentalhealth
Mental health matters to everyone, and everyone deserves a just and fair mental health system. I’m #schizoaffective and my journeys through the system haven’t always been easy. Reform of the Mental Health Act is a step towards addressing change
#mentalhealthact #mentalhealth #mentalhealthUK
Mental Health Act Reform
NHS Confederation
#schizoaffective #mentalhealthact #mentalhealth #MentalHealthUK