Wenn ich so zurück blicke und überlege was ich heute geschafft habe und wie es mir geht... Ein bisschen begeistert bin ich schon.
Ich sollte dieses Vergleichen ablegen, ist ne extrem giftige Sache...
#notjustsad #mentalhealth #mentalillness #psyche
Love can be challenging when fighting the bipolar monster.
Your mind can trick you into feeling false emotions
or make you feel none at all.
It’s tough, but love is vital for good mental health.
#bipolardisorder #SpeakingBipolar #mentalhealth #mentalillness #love
#bipolardisorder #speakingbipolar #mentalhealth #mentalillness #love
People with #MentalIllness in #England face ‘horrifically long’ #ambulance delays
Figures reveal services regularly breached response-time targets, with one person waiting three days
https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/sep/02/ambulance-delays-mental-illness-england #NHSEngland #ToryPoliciesInAction #BreakThenPrivatise
#breakthenprivatise #torypoliciesinaction #NHSEngland #ambulance #england #mentalillness
There’s no mistaking the sound of a body hitting the floor above you.
In full sprint, I bounded the stairs, jumping two at a time.
My dad has fallen several times, but never so hard that the house rattled.
As I turned the corner, one of the kitchen chairs was missing.
Looking down, I saw it lying next to my crumpled mother.
My entire plan for Sunday changed with a thud on the floor.
#bipolardisorder #SpeakingBipolar #mentalhealth #mentalillness
#bipolardisorder #speakingbipolar #mentalhealth #mentalillness
Die Schule ist wieder gestartet. Alle sind aus dem Haus.
Aber statt selbst los legen zu können, wie gehofft.. sitze ich hier. Fühle mich wie gelähmt und bekomme nichts hin.
#mentalillness #depression #notjustsad
Oh he fell into a "crushing depression" and "completely loses control of his emotions?" This was not a heat of the moment #murder. It was a pattern of #abuse over years by an obsessed man who planned to kill her bc he couldn't have her and she didn't want him in her life. I loathe when people use #Mentalillness as an excuse for abhorrent actions. He’s clearly not right in the head, but being sad didn’t make him this way.
Wait, what?
Translation: We know what the problem is, but let's talk about something else instead because....
#2a #gun #gundeaths #suicide #mentalillness
Help. One of the very smart people I follow posted something a week or two ago about codependency in a relationship with a person with mental illness. It was short, direct and full of wisdom. I can’t find it and I need it right now. Anybody? #mentalillness #bpdfam #bpd Reblogging would be appreciated
#TNleg Rep. #ChrisTodd told parents of the elementary school children killed in #Nashville ‘s #CovenantSchoolShooting that if “wouldn’t have mattered” if the shooter’s guns had been confiscated. The #MadisonCounty , #Tennessee representative said they would’ve used a car! 😡 👉 https://www.wsmv.com/2023/08/24/tn-lawmaker-says-restricting-gun-access-wouldnt-have-impacted-covenant-school-massacre/
#Mentalillness is not just an issue with people BREAKING laws, but also some MAKING them!
#tnleg #christodd #nashville #covenantschoolshooting #madisoncounty #tennessee #mentalillness
Last week was stressful.
My aging parents are coping with new health issues.
My job is full of clients who ghost me or have wild requests.
To add insult to injury, I also took part in an online presentation.
Stress is a killer, and this is especially true when you have bipolar disorder.
So how do you cope?
Here are 6 things I did.
#bipolardisorder #SpeakingBipolar #mentalhealth #mentalillness
#bipolardisorder #speakingbipolar #mentalhealth #mentalillness
@dianor Hmm. I admit I have not read the #book. There is the obvious Foucauldian element happening. As someone who comes from that sub-population where #ECT is a very real thing, I find the connections she makes in her video for the book to be rather offensive.
There are many other ways to discuss power and mass #trauma without equating it to treatments for #mentalillness. It is #abelism. I was fortunate enough to decline ECT. #NaomiKlein speaks from ignorance.
#mentalillness #naomiklein #abelism #trauma #ect #book
I suggest nami.org/help
There are options to talk or text with someone.
#NAMI National Alliance on #MentalIllness #MentalHealth
#nami #mentalillness #mentalhealth
Read this story from Reena Holzmann on Medium: https://medium.com/illumination/the-suicide-rate-among-autistic-women-is-worryingly-high-f4c46cc90404
#autism #aspergers #autismlife #autismawarness #mentalhealth #MentalIllness #society
#autism #aspergers #autismlife #autismawarness #mentalhealth #mentalillness #society
Raise your hand if you crashed this week, or are teetering on the edge of a crash 🖐️. Maybe if we band together we can crash together and lighten the load.
#disability #Neurodivergence #Neurodiversity #mentalIllness #mentalHealth #NEISvoid #chronicIllness #chronicFatigue #fibromyalgia #ChronicPain
#disability #neurodivergence #neurodiversity #mentalillness #mentalhealth #NEISvoid #chronicillness #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia #chronicpain
How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence
Michael Pollan
#books #LSD #Psilocibin #Mushrooms #Psychedelics #addiction #MentalIllness
#books #lsd #psilocibin #mushrooms #psychedelics #addiction #mentalillness
"Exploring Abandoned Mental Asylum Dairy"
#CamarilloStateHospital #ScaryDairy #DairyFarm #MentalIllness
#camarillostatehospital #scarydairy #dairyfarm #mentalillness
Poured again. VERY fresh. Made cells. Lots of them. Too many, maybe, but I'm just happy I finally made some!
Small canvas, 5x5
#art #Artist #Artwork #mentalillness #ptsd #therapy #Painting #paintpour
#paintpour #Painting #therapy #ptsd #mentalillness #Artwork #Artist #Art
Depression. An evil entity that makes living such a challenge. It weighs you down so hard. Makes you cry randomly in the car for no reason. No idea why it happened. Work was fine. I worked hard and fast. Everything went smoothly that day. Was it because I didn't get much sleep? When I get home I don't want to do much except listen to music while high as fuck. Tell me...why does depression exist? Anxiety as well? Why must we suffer from it?
#furry #rant #mentalillness
What’s a useful hash tag for when you’re really %depressed and #suicidal? #suicide #SuicidalThoughts #suicideprevention #suiciderisk #mentalillness #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #mentalillness #suiciderisk #suicideprevention #SuicidalThoughts #suicide #suicidal
The latest #podcast episode of the Mental Health in Tech podcast is live. https://pod.link/1682099388/episode/536a399ac656499561d0b8f2eb17ee25 #mentalhealth #mentalillness
#podcast #mentalhealth #mentalillness