Okay, I am going to add more tags (I really need to learn to use them more often) and, if anyone feels like looking to the toots up there 👆would be awesome (but honestly no pressure at all, I will be fine!)
#MentallyIll #MentalIllnesses #PersonalityDisorder #MentalIllnessToots
#mentallyill #mentalillnesses #personalitydisorder #mentalillnesstoots
Selfies yesterday 🎀💖 I did to feel better 🥺
#Selfie #Depression #MentalHealth #BPD #Anxiety #MentalIllness #fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #CFS #MECFS #CFSME #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Spoonie #Spoonies #MadMastodon #MadTwitter #MentalillnessAwareness #MentalIllnessToots #MentalHealthAwareness #Newbie #Newbies #NewbiesOk #NewbiesWelcome #Introduction #Introductions #IntroductionEn #BPDFam #MentalHealthTwitter #makeup #PinkHair #Pink #ItsONotToBeOk #ItsOkayNotTobeOkay
#ItsOkayNotTobeOkay #itsonottobeok #pink #pinkhair #makeup #mentalhealthtwitter #BPDfam #introductionen #introductions #introduction #newbieswelcome #newbiesok #newbies #newbie #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillnesstoots #mentalillnessawareness #madtwitter #madmastodon #spoonies #spoonie #chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfsme #mecfs #cfs #chronicfatigue #chronicpain #chronicillness #fibromyalgia #mentalillness #anxiety #bpd #mentalhealth #depression #selfie
Selfies yesterday 🎀💖 I did to feel better 🥺
#Selfie #Depression #MentalHealth #BPD #Anxiety #MentalIllness #fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #CFS #MECFS #CFSME #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #Spoonie #Spoonies #MadMastodon #MadTwitter #MentalillnessAwareness #MentalIllnessToots #MentalHealthAwareness #Newbie #Newbies #NewbiesOk #NewbiesWelcome #Introduction #Introductions #IntroductionEn #BPDFam #MentalHealthTwitter #makeup #PinkHair #Pink #ItsONotToBeOk #ItsOkayNotTobeOkay
#ItsOkayNotTobeOkay #itsonottobeok #pink #pinkhair #makeup #mentalhealthtwitter #BPDfam #introductionen #introductions #introduction #newbieswelcome #newbiesok #newbies #newbie #mentalhealthawareness #mentalillnesstoots #mentalillnessawareness #madtwitter #madmastodon #spoonies #spoonie #chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfsme #mecfs #cfs #chronicfatigue #chronicpain #chronicillness #fibromyalgia #mentalillness #anxiety #bpd #mentalhealth #depression #selfie
I did the crash out after work/uni again so now I’m awake so gonna make myself a drink, take meds, get my makeup off + play a bit of Pokémon violet to hopefully fall asleep again soon! 🥱😴🫠
#NEISVoid #fibromyalgia #ChronicIllness #ChronicFatigue #CFS #CFSME #MECFS #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #MentalIllness #Spoonie #Depression #Anxiety #BPD #BPDFam #EUPD #Depressed #loneliness #Isolation #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalIllnessToots #MentalillnessAwareness #MadMastodon #TwitterMigrant #MadTwitter
#madtwitter #twittermigrant #madmastodon #mentalillnessawareness #mentalillnesstoots #mentalhealthawareness #isolation #loneliness #depressed #EUPD #BPDfam #bpd #anxiety #depression #spoonie #mentalillness #mentalhealth #chronicpain #mecfs #cfsme #cfs #chronicfatigue #chronicillness #fibromyalgia #NEISvoid