Bring happy isn't as fanciful as most people think. If there is a problem, it's that people who watch TV can't stop giving advice, even to children who are too young to understand the effects of TV.
#futurism #mentalwealth #zen #happiness #consumerism #capitalism
#futurism #mentalwealth #zen #happiness #consumerism #capitalism
When #zen guys say that one must "live in the present moment," all I hear is how nice it must be to be a zen guy who never files tax declarations.
However, being *lucid* in the present moment says something to me. I notice that if I take up the habit to ask myself, "Why am I doing this?" I often surprise myself with the response. Often I am just following some mental rut.
My life deserves my consent.
The innernet is a collection of virtual realities, unspoken truths, and hidden motivations. Conspiracy theories? Yes, all you can imagine. There is no content moderation. Best of all, it's free!
The first time you log in, you might find download times a bit long and not much content. These improve the more you use it.
I get apprehensive sometimes, like I've forgotten to do something.
50-100mg of vitamin B6 fixes that.
Yes, I might've genuinely forgotten something. But I've done the controlled experiment. B6 dearth alone is enough to trigger the feeling.
The real problem is that my civilization requires multitasking and scheduling, but it provides vitamin-impoverished food. The two actually work together.
The problem is that I live in the future.
People who cannot achieve self-mastery insist upon masters. And the obliteration of reminders that there ever was a choice.
#mentalwealth #fascism #religion
The crisis of our times is not the rise of fascism, nor is it global warming. The fundamental crisis is mental poverty.
Mental wealth is not the accumulation of information, any more than physical wealth be the accumulation of body mass. Mental and physical wealth is the accumulation of ability.
Physical poverty is cultivated with candy and armchairs. Mental poverty is cultivated by social media and push-button solutions.
No one wants a future engineered by mental paupers.
Mental wealth does not mean standing on a mountaintop with your face turned forever to the sun, any more than education means holding a diploma.
It means acquiring the means of passing a long series of tests, and not interpreting any one of them as a slight.
J'aime voir des evidences de talent dans mes alentours. Je crois, s'il y a une forme de richesse qui n'est pas #mentalwealth, ça serait d'être entouré de talent - un monde qui se fête.
Être milliardaire, mais entouré des yes-men et des avocats, c'est une pouvreté si accablante, elle risque de se fonder dans l'arrière plan et y rester inaperçue...
If someone does something unacceptable, state the consequences.
If there are no consequences, it is acceptable, maybe just annoying.
In no case argue; that implies that the offender's understanding is somehow necessary. He is thus still in the game. You are inviting him to try to turn things around - but that makes no sense if the offense was unacceptable.
Get your zen. Don't invest in what you don't want.
People who achieve the most control over their lives become prisoners of what ever gave them that control. Elon Musk is a prisoner of Tesla and of his every tweet.
"To feel responsible and guilty, you have to have high self-esteem. And in Russia, everyone is humiliated – even the oligarchs. They always need to humiliate someone else, because they are humiliated daily themselves.
Conformism can be even worse than fascism. Conformists, unlike fascists, don't tend to kill and rape people. They don't wake up with this thought, but they have agreed to these rules and agreed to destroy themselves as individuals."
If you do not have natural predators you are not free.
Whoever is protecting you is making the rules, and you obey.
I have decided to spend less time reacting to my environment, and more time creating it. This is the single just occupation of a sovereign person.
Ellen Petrova, 8 November 1847
#mentalwealth #selfactualization #historicalfiction