Annalogue75 · @annalogue75
13 followers · 147 posts · Server

I'm not against women, but I'm not against men either.
I'm not a feminist - I'm a humanist.
In an ideal world we wouldn't divide our society and all its issues into we-them and pitch sex and genders against each other. We would focus on finding solutions and fix the problems. In an ideal world.
Follow The TinMen on social media - thank them for the info and for leading the way.

#mentoo #equality

Last updated 1 year ago

GrrlScientist · @GrrlScientist
157 followers · 78 posts · Server

Perfect 4.0 Student Rejected From University Just For Being White Rapist

“I just never thought I would be rejected on the basis of being a Caucasian rapist, especially when my father raped someone at the same college”

#truthhurts #mentoo #humour

Last updated 1 year ago

Annalogue75 · @annalogue75
9 followers · 67 posts · Server
Annalogue75 · @annalogue75
2 followers · 3 posts · Server

Oh I got stuff up my sleeve!
More promo for some, less attention for others. More focus on some topics, no more focus on others. Feel the changes coming.
Free the mind.
Leveling up!

#activism #writerscommunity #politicstoday #mentoo #antifeminist #promoters #friends2support #love

Last updated 2 years ago

Rune · @Rune
26 followers · 58 posts · Server

: When a woman, with only a look and a barely audible snort, let's you know how mad at you she is, for once again failing to read her mind, thus inadvertently confirming that you still do not love her enough to not sleep on the couch tonight.

#femsplaining #randomthoughts #mentoo

Last updated 2 years ago

patamystic · @patamystic
24 followers · 220 posts · Server


as a of I often want to use the tag but I rarely do because it has largely been appropriated by "Men's Rights" misogynists.

I'm pro and I use a lot of them but I also see the flaws when using them.

what's an alternative?

#malesurvivor #sexualvictimization #mentoo #hashtag

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
6 followers · 29 posts · Server
Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
6 followers · 28 posts · Server

Prosecuting and other opportunistic perjurers doesn’t discourage real victims from coming forward to report and . It discourages and disincentivizes other malicious liars and forms of (e.g., , , and variety pack individuals).

The really crazy ones (i.e., entitled to the point of being delusional, pathologically and believers of their own bullshit/not-a-victim victimhood) will still falsely accuse even after having their lies disproven (see ).

All persons who make should be forever flagged in law enforcement and court databases. They should also be required to prove their claims with tangible evidence before ex parte restraining orders and arrests can be made.

The real victims of are the . Not the characterologically disturbed (people with bad character) and pathological liars who falsely report abuse for attention, revenge, money, celebrity and other kinds of personal gain.

Consequences matter.

#falseaccusers #abuse #sexualassault #crazy #npd #bpd #hpd #clusterb #grandiose #amberheard #falseallegation #falseallegations #falselyaccused #abusehasnogender #mentoo #narcissist #borderline #histrionic

Last updated 2 years ago

Raie futée · @RaieFutee
85 followers · 24 posts · Server

Vous parlez de et on vous a déjà répondu "mais les hommes aussi" pour ne pas vous considérer vos propos ? Après le , parlons du 👇

#feminisme #notallmen #mentoo

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
5 followers · 24 posts · Server

It happens. It's real. Don't do it.

The momentary good feelings will quickly drop away. Just like the needles on the Christmas tree in January.

#narcissist #borderline #histrionic #abusehasnogender #mentoo #narcissisticabuseawareness

Last updated 2 years ago

Resilient to Trauma · @Mysticcshadow
378 followers · 432 posts · Server
Resilient to Trauma · @Mysticcshadow
378 followers · 431 posts · Server
Resilient to Trauma · @Mysticcshadow
167 followers · 209 posts · Server
Arindam Deka · @arindam_deka
2 followers · 6 posts · Server
Arindam Deka · @arindam_deka
2 followers · 6 posts · Server
Resilient to Trauma · @mysticcshadow
56 followers · 131 posts · Server

Hello! My name is mystic & I was diagnosed with , , , & in my early 20's. I'm still waiting to be assessed for . I know something else is there. To cope in this life, the trauma and everything I have endured to this day, I don't know how I do it but I'm still alive so koodos to me! I'm still alive & breathing.

#borderlinepersonalitydisorder #anxiety #depression #cptsd #adhd #MentalHealth #Mentalillness #mentalhealthawareness #MentalHealthMatters #metoo #mentoo #audhd #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

Giving a , , or a second chance to "be better" after they've consistently abused you without remorse isn’t evidence of your forgiving nature. It’s evidence of your and likely unresolved .

There’s no going back to land. It was a con job (and probably included lots and lots of your other favorite “jobs.”) That person is never coming back because she/he never existed in the first place.

In reality, you're giving the / / is another chance to break you down more than they already have to the point you no longer have the will to leave. Or another chance to create another hostage -- I mean child. Or a chance to set you up with a of to punish you for “abandoning”/rejecting them.

Instead of being be excited by the lie that “things will be better,” be insulted.

They're insulting your intelligence. Again, this is a . I know it's tempting to believe things can go back to the way it was before they took off the mask. But that's the thing. The abusive monster is the reality. The adoring love bomber is the mask.

Or, you can give it a try.

But don't be surprised if they become even nastier, more controlling and blame shiftier than they were before. YOU were going to LEAVE THEM. How are THEY supposed to TRUST YOU now!?!

You're going to have to prove your commitment to them all over again. How?

While the NPD/BPD/HPD is usually short on details for how you can accomplish this, the shit they'll expect you to swallow/do to prove your devotion to them is endless.As in, it’s mission impossible.

This is one of the biggest classic mindf-cks NPD/BPD/HPDs perpetrate. You agonize over ending the relationship because of how horribly they treat you. Then they flip it around. Don't take the bait!

#narcissist #borderline #histrionic #psychopath #codependency #childhoodwounds #lovebombing #npd #bpd #hpd #falseallegation #domesticviolence #conjob #abusehasnogender #mentoo

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

and thank you for your service to . . .

The dads who’ve had their service record used to portray them as killers in family court . . .

The dads who’ve lost their kids to parental alienation while
the family courts turn a blind eye . . .

To the men whose NPD/BPD/HPD spouse or ex made false
abuse allegations and had their careers destroyed because command is more
concerned about PR than these soldiers . . .

And the men who’ve suicided due to
these issues and many more.

Veterans Crisis Line * Dial 988 then press 1 * text 838255 *

#mentoo #happyveteransday #mentalhealth #abusehasnogender

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

: "I'm sorry you feel that way" is / / for "F--k your feelings."

Typically, a , or doesn't feel remorse or regret for the hurt, pain and destruction they perpetrate on their victims. Their inability to take for their actions, lack of and a and tendency of , and make it virtually impossible.

The only time these individuals feel is when they feel sorry for themselves. For example, when they finally experience a consequence for their behavior. Or, they don't get whatever it is they've been lying, scheming, manipulating and bullying to obtain.

Saying "I'm sorry you feel that way" isn't an . It's an abdication of responsibility. Basically, the message is, "Your feelings are your problem, not mine." If the NPD/BPD/HPD smirks while saying it, they're most definitely not sorry. They gloating and delighting in having inflicted pain upon you.

*Please note, while I don't know it for a fact said "I'm sorry you feel that way" to , I just know that it's true (to paraphrase a running Bill Maher segment).

I chose one of 's many photos because her smirks are the smirkiest smirks. The arrogance, contempt and disdain oozes from the corners of her mouth. In addition to being a , and perpetrator of , she's now officially a . Apparently, she's hiding out in Europe claiming to be a homeless person. Her argument being, the Virginia court can't collect a judgment from her is she is stateless. In other words, DEADBEAT.

#narcissistdictionary #npd #bpd #hpd #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #responsibility #empathy #conscience #splitting #blackandwhitethinking #emotionalreasoning #sorry #antisocial #apology #amberheardisaliar #johnnydeppwon #amberheard #smirk #pathologicalliar #falseaccuser #domesticviolence #deadbeat #abusehasnogender #mentoo

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

I made this meme in 2016. It's still one of my favorites. Is it the hairless cat hurtling through space and time.

doesn't mean tolerating . Love does NOT conquer all. Many clients believed their relationship with a , or ex was - stuff.

In reality, these relationships are usually a combination of unresolved childhood issues, , and , not . You can resolve your codependency issues, but you can't love or pray the cray-cray away.

And watch out for flying cats on your way to the exit!

#unconditionallove #abuse #narcissist #histrionic #borderline #truelove #soulmate #codependency #repetitioncompulsion #traumabonding #abusehasnogender #mentoo #npd #bpd #hpd

Last updated 2 years ago