This week's nails and rings, complete with the current collection of festival wrist bands.
I particularly like the Darth Maul ring, although I don't wear it often because it's quite impractical.
#MalePolish #malepolishednails #MenWithNails
#malepolish #malepolishednails #menwithnails
This week's nails are the colour of dried blood, for some reason.
#MalePolish #MenWithNails
Painted my nails gold and 'sugar floss" whilst watching the @BritishGP #F1.
#MailPolish #MenWithNails #MaleNails
#f1 #mailpolish #menwithnails #malenails
This week my nails are mostly gold, when a silver contrast....
#MalePolish #menwithnails